When was an email opened



Is there a way to tell if an email has been opened using Entourage 08' for mac. This is with a pop account and emails are not being being saved to a server.

Diane Ross

Is there a way to tell if an email has been opened using Entourage 08' for mac. This is with a pop account and emails are not being being saved to a server.

Normally, mail will be marked as read once you open it or a rule marks
it as read.

POP accounts will download from the server then delete from the server
unless you have "leave on server" selected in the Account > Options tab.

It sounds like you might need to switch to IMAP.



I worded my question wrong. I need to know if there is a way to tell what time an email was opened using Entourage.


Yes, I have someone that received an email and said that he didn't get it. When I got onto his computer I saw the email was in fact there and read. I would like to see if there is a timestamp showing when that email was in fact opened by the recipient


Diane Ross

Yes, I have someone that received an email and said that he didn't get it. When I got onto his computer I saw the email was in fact there and read. I would like to see if there is a timestamp showing when that email was in fact opened by the recipient.

Most users don't have the ability to check the recipient's folder.

Regardless there is no way to check if the message was read or marked as
read by a rule.

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