When will MS Project have the Office 2007 user interface?



Word 2007, Excel 2007, and etc all use the new Office 2007 user interface.
When will MS Project switch to the same (i.e., new) interface?

Dale Howard [MVP]

wt --

I believe it it scheduled in the next version of Microsoft Project, along
with a number of other cool and useful features. Hope this helps.

Jan De Messemaeker


If I may be cross: I hope never. Personally, I don't like the ribbon thing
at all.
But I'm afraid they will do it already in the next release...

Jan De Messemaeker
Microsoft Project Most Valuable Professional
+32 495 300 620
For availability check:

Dale Howard [MVP]

Jan --

Yes, you may be cross, and you are way too funny. After almost two years, I
still can't find certain features on the ribbons in Word and Excel! :)

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