when word 2003 starts LCD screen flickers/goes black




I have an LCD monitor Sony SDM-S95F which connected to Radeon 7500
videocard through DVI.
Everything works fine except MS Word 2003. When I open a document of a
few pages the screen flickers several times, its completely goes black
for a second then it comes back for another second. Eventually it
settles down but if I try to edit the text it may happen again.
The more complex the document (more pages, more formating) the longer
the above effects last.
When I connect LCD monitor through a common RGB interface all above
mentioned DOES NOT HAPPEN!
I played with video settings, enabled/disabled hardware acceleration
but nothing improved.
I am totally confused, is it a faulty video card or a falulty monitor
or Word gone crazy?

Please help, any clue is appreciated.


Cindy M -WordMVP-

Hi Alex,
I have an LCD monitor Sony SDM-S95F which connected to Radeon 7500
videocard through DVI.
Everything works fine except MS Word 2003. When I open a document of a
few pages the screen flickers several times, its completely goes black
for a second then it comes back for another second. Eventually it
settles down but if I try to edit the text it may happen again.
The more complex the document (more pages, more formating) the longer
the above effects last.
When I connect LCD monitor through a common RGB interface all above
mentioned DOES NOT HAPPEN!
I played with video settings, enabled/disabled hardware acceleration
but nothing improved.
I am totally confused, is it a faulty video card or a falulty monitor
or Word gone crazy?
Most likely it's a problem with the graphics card driver interfacing
with Word. Contact the manufacturer of the graphics card (or video card,
as you call it), describe the problem, and ask if they have a driver
update that will settle things down.

Cindy Meister
INTER-Solutions, Switzerland
http://homepage.swissonline.ch/cindymeister (last update Jun 8 2004)

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