when word art is applied, there is no color



I can't use the fill tool in my Microsoft document, and when I use word art,
the text appears, but without the color.


Click on Start | Control Panel | Accessibility Options | Display | uncheck
the "Use high contrast" box | OK.


Here's what I found on my problem:
In Microsoft WORD, the "Fill COLOR" on the toolbar showed NO COLOR (and
grayed out) when I click on it? I made a 2006 CALENDAR in MS WORD and had no
problems before. Now I go to change the color and the entire FILL COLOR Box
is GREY and can't select any colors. What's the problem?

*** PROBLEM RESOLVED: I was using the WRONG info. When you (R)ight mouse
click on the toolbar..you get the menu selection. I was using the "Drawing"
selection and that's NOT what I needed.....HOWEVER, I clicked on "Tables &
Boarders" and THEN used the "shading color" icon in the toolbar and was able
to apply it in my Word Table (Grid) I created. It works! The "Drawing" and
"Tables & Boarders" are "similar" when it comes to using the shading/Fill
color but they work differently. Keep this in mind.

If anyone would like a 2006 CALENDAR, feel free to email me at:
(e-mail address removed) and please put "2006 CALENDAR" in the subject line of your

I hope this helps! I look forward hearing from anyone who has this
problem....it's better than calling MS Tech Support when you can read the
posts! GREAT INFO!
Bill H.

P.S. I'm currently using WINXP PRO and Office XP PRO 2003.


Hey Garfield N Odie!
Here's what I discovered.....

Here's what I found on my problem:
In Microsoft WORD, the "Fill COLOR" on the toolbar showed NO COLOR (and
grayed out) when I click on it? I made a 2006 CALENDAR in WORD and had no
problems before. Now I go to change the color and the entire FILL COLOR Box
is GREY and can't select any colors. What's the problem?

*** I found the problem *** I was using the WRONG toolbar menu. When you
(R)ight mouse click on the toolbar..you get the menu selection. I was using
the "Drawing" selection and that's NOT what I needed.....HOWEVER, I clicked
on "Tables & Boarders" and THEN used the "shading color" icon in the toolbar
and was able to apply it in my Word Table (Grid) I created. It works! The
"Drawing" and "Tables & Boarders" are "similar" when it comes to using the
Shading & Fill color but they work differently. Keep this in mind.

If anyone would like a 2006 CALENDAR, feel free to email me at:
(e-mail address removed) and please put "2006 CALENDAR" in the subject line of your

I hope this helps! I look forward hearing from anyone who has this
problem....it's better than calling MS Tech Support when you can read the
posts! GREAT INFO!
Bill H.

P.S. I'm currently using WINXP PRO and Office XP PRO 2003.


Similar symptoms, different problem (and therefore, different solution):
I tried garfield-n-odie's method and found that MY "Use high contrast" box
WAS unchecked. I went back and found that I could draw a shape and click on
the 'inside' and the Fill colors were there. I clicked on the line of the
shape (its border) [the white locator and green anchor dots appear] and the
Line colors were active. In my first few tries today (it has been months
since I've tried a drawing in Word), I apparently had selected something that
did not HAVE a Line to color or an area to Fill. My bad.

Peace - Hesch


I have been struggling to find a setting to get color on a word art project
to appear on screen. I have spent most of the day with Dell controlling my
computer - and they installed/re-installed my office disc 3 times. No help.
Thank you from the bottom of my Word Art!!

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

Assuming it was my suggestion to turn off "high contrast" in Windows
that solved your problem, you're welcome, and thank you for the
feedback. Reinstalling Office seldom fixes anything, as you've seen for
yourself, but reinstalling seems to be Dell tech support's "solution" to

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