where am I going wrong



In a report;
I am trying to calculate speed off minutes and miles
traveled. I convert the minutes to hours by dividing
minutes by 60. When I put the formula in for the speed it
is no where near what is should be.

1104 minutes = 18.4 hrs
miles = 366

366/18.4 = 19.89 Unless I am doing this wrong 19.89 is the

my formula: =([miles]/[plannedTravel Time]) gives me 0.28

my conclusion: diviving the minutes and not hours. So how
can I get it to divide by hours?

Ken Snell

What is "planned travel time"? is that a variable? a field in a table?
Please, provide more info about your setup.


planned travel time is actually a projected travel time
from the software that we use for dispatching trucks. I
was given the task to set the road speeds on the map.
Since we are local I do not have to worry to much about
different speeds for different type of roads, such as
freeway, primary and secondary. To give you a quick list
of what I am doing; I set up a form to enter the
projected travel time, actual travel time and miles
driven per route for an area. Then I ran a query for which
I create my report from. On the report I group by area
(north east) take the total miles from the north east and
divide that by the total hours driven in that area. I was
able to come up with the following formula =([miles]/
([plannedTravel Time]/60)) then I did the same calculation
with a calculator and came up with a different number.
What I did notice is that for each group (north east ...)
the last speed is the same as the calculation from the
formula above. I have the formula's in the Route
Description Footer of my report. Any suggestion would be
-----Original Message-----
What is "planned travel time"? is that a variable? a field in a table?
Please, provide more info about your setup.

Ken Snell

macamarr said:
In a report;
I am trying to calculate speed off minutes and miles
traveled. I convert the minutes to hours by dividing
minutes by 60. When I put the formula in for the speed it
is no where near what is should be.

1104 minutes = 18.4 hrs
miles = 366

366/18.4 = 19.89 Unless I am doing this wrong 19.89 is the

my formula: =([miles]/[plannedTravel Time]) gives me 0.28

my conclusion: diviving the minutes and not hours. So how
can I get it to divide by hours?


Ken Snell

Change your formula from this:
=([miles]/[plannedTravel Time])

to this:
=([miles]/[plannedTravel Time]*60)

That will give you a division by hours.

Ken Snell

macamarr said:
planned travel time is actually a projected travel time
from the software that we use for dispatching trucks. I
was given the task to set the road speeds on the map.
Since we are local I do not have to worry to much about
different speeds for different type of roads, such as
freeway, primary and secondary. To give you a quick list
of what I am doing; I set up a form to enter the
projected travel time, actual travel time and miles
driven per route for an area. Then I ran a query for which
I create my report from. On the report I group by area
(north east) take the total miles from the north east and
divide that by the total hours driven in that area. I was
able to come up with the following formula =([miles]/
([plannedTravel Time]/60)) then I did the same calculation
with a calculator and came up with a different number.
What I did notice is that for each group (north east ...)
the last speed is the same as the calculation from the
formula above. I have the formula's in the Route
Description Footer of my report. Any suggestion would be
-----Original Message-----
What is "planned travel time"? is that a variable? a field in a table?
Please, provide more info about your setup.

Ken Snell

macamarr said:
In a report;
I am trying to calculate speed off minutes and miles
traveled. I convert the minutes to hours by dividing
minutes by 60. When I put the formula in for the speed it
is no where near what is should be.

1104 minutes = 18.4 hrs
miles = 366

366/18.4 = 19.89 Unless I am doing this wrong 19.89 is the

my formula: =([miles]/[plannedTravel Time]) gives me 0.28

my conclusion: diviving the minutes and not hours. So how
can I get it to divide by hours?


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