Where are all the cool Newsgroups ???



Where do I find all the newsgroups I want to subscribe to? Is there a really
good,simple directory to look through? Like some kind of phonebook? Be
gentle with me I am a virgin, although I have been on-line for about 3yrs.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Ask your ISP for this information - many supply access to their own news
server. You can also use google.com to find free news servers. This one is

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, dalachie asked:

| Where do I find all the newsgroups I want to subscribe to? Is there a
| really good,simple directory to look through? Like some kind of
| phonebook? Be gentle with me I am a virgin, although I have been
| on-line for about 3yrs.


dalachie said:
Where do I find all the newsgroups I want to subscribe to? Is there a
really good,simple directory to look through? Like some kind of phonebook?
Be gentle with me I am a virgin, although I have been on-line for about

You posted to Microsoft's NNTP server. Microsoft only carries
Microsoft-related newsgroups, just like many "private" NNTP servers will,
like news.grc.com only carries GRC-related groups. If you want an NNTP
server that carries a whole bunch of other "cool" group - which means
absolutely nothing since it doesn't identify those groups (and perhaps for a
reason) - you will need to go find someone else's NNTP server that carries
those "cool" groups.

Ask your ISP if they provide newsgroups support. They may contract that
service to some other provider, like Giganews. Hunt around for freebie NNTP
servers, like AIOE, Infoave, etc. Teranews has their 50MB/day quota "free"
account but they append a spam signature (so your posts may get filtered
because they contain spam). You could post over in the alt.free.newsservers
group unless you want a more reliable paid service.


By the way, Outlook does NOT support NNTP (network news transfer protocol),
so your post is off-topic. Outlook EXPRESS supports NNTP and is called from
within Outlook.

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