Since the virtual demise of the newsgroups (hardly any activity in any
of these groups now, damn Micro$oft for yet another $tupid move),
we're all at sea, here.
I've tried forums, I've tried groups and nothing, nothing comes close
to the excellent service you all have given here in past decade and
more to me and so many others!
I'm becoming desperate. Work pressures have increased, not decreased,
and the Office suite has become more difficult to use, not less, and
issues are just not getting resolved. If there was one thing I knew
we could all rely on here - and it was freaking awesome - was that
sooner or later, and usually soonest, our problems would find
solutions no matter how difficult they were!!!!!
Now months later and after trying various means to ask the _same_
questions, I'm _still_ no closer to resolving some problems in the
Office suite and this is just so unacceptable as the demands of the
job require we _do_ find solutions.
Where, please, have you all gone so we can find the same reliability
and awesome service you guys all so generously provided, pls?
Thank you! And as I've done many times in the past, thank you for all
the fantastic help you've always provided. Without the software
solutions found here with all your help I would not have survived as
well as I used to as an office admin catering to a whole lot of people
who mostly demand like crazy without any thought and without any mercy
Cheers and thanks!!
of these groups now, damn Micro$oft for yet another $tupid move),
we're all at sea, here.
I've tried forums, I've tried groups and nothing, nothing comes close
to the excellent service you all have given here in past decade and
more to me and so many others!
I'm becoming desperate. Work pressures have increased, not decreased,
and the Office suite has become more difficult to use, not less, and
issues are just not getting resolved. If there was one thing I knew
we could all rely on here - and it was freaking awesome - was that
sooner or later, and usually soonest, our problems would find
solutions no matter how difficult they were!!!!!
Now months later and after trying various means to ask the _same_
questions, I'm _still_ no closer to resolving some problems in the
Office suite and this is just so unacceptable as the demands of the
job require we _do_ find solutions.
Where, please, have you all gone so we can find the same reliability
and awesome service you guys all so generously provided, pls?
Thank you! And as I've done many times in the past, thank you for all
the fantastic help you've always provided. Without the software
solutions found here with all your help I would not have survived as
well as I used to as an office admin catering to a whole lot of people
who mostly demand like crazy without any thought and without any mercy
Cheers and thanks!!