where are button images (faceid) stored in word?



on the mvp.org website there is mention of 1707 button images stored in
word. When i click the
change button image option on the customize dialog, i see a pallett of about
15 button images. What am i missing? thks BRC


Most of them are attached to built-in toolbar buttons. You can copy and
modify these for your own buttons.

Lars-Eric Gisslén


The icons you reference by the FaceID are propaby stored as an ICON
Resourece in one of the Office DLL's. The ID you set to FaceID is propably
the index to the Icon Resource. That means you will get the new Icons if you
open the document in Word 2003, but if you use an Icon from the pallette you
get a static Icon that will look the same in all Office versions. If you
write a macro that travers through the toolbars och check the FaceID for the
default buttons you will find that some FaceID's has a value higher than
4000. I have a document with several toolbars that have popup buttons with
the first 3000+ icon ID's so I know which FaceID to set by a macro instead
of using fixed Icons from the palette. Then I also get the new Icons that
comes with Office 2003.

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