Where are detailed user discussions of OneNote use, organization?



I look forward to use of OneNote as my management "hub" in the coming
elementary school year (starting July 25th) Outlook will be the scheduler,
and this will be on a dual-core tablet to try to handle the need for fast
response in the classroom.

I want to learn from others' use of ON in corporate or, if lucky, other
teachers. (I'm a career changer form the corporate world myself...) Where are
forums or boards devoted to discussion of this management tool -- among users
of OneNote?

I have learned from this forum but it is usually devoted to confusions and
problems, while I have to try to plan ahead for the most efficient structure
and live with it for almost a full 10 months. Of course, I will have my own
confusions and problems so will still be learning here!

Thanks, in advance, for suggestions.


Andrew Watt [MVP]

I look forward to use of OneNote as my management "hub" in the coming
elementary school year (starting July 25th) Outlook will be the scheduler,
and this will be on a dual-core tablet to try to handle the need for fast
response in the classroom.

I want to learn from others' use of ON in corporate or, if lucky, other
teachers. (I'm a career changer form the corporate world myself...) Where are
forums or boards devoted to discussion of this management tool -- among users
of OneNote?

I have learned from this forum but it is usually devoted to confusions and
problems, while I have to try to plan ahead for the most efficient structure
and live with it for almost a full 10 months. Of course, I will have my own
confusions and problems so will still be learning here!

Thanks, in advance, for suggestions.



http://office.microsoft.com/ is one source of information.

There is nothing to stop you raising a topic about how to use OneNote
to design / manage coursework. There may be some who frequent the
newsgroup who can help out on that.

There is also the OneNote mailing list,
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/onenote/. But it's been quiet for some
time now.

Of course, you could buy one of the books about OneNote.

Andrew Watt MVP


Yes, I have been reading, and have not been able to find what I guessed
would be one of the better books (Zimmerman) in the state of Hawaii library
system. At this late stage of the product cycle I guessed that I would have
to wait for the 2007 materials. I'll buy the first 2007 books right away to
speed my passage through the less-travelled parts of the software.

I usually have little trouble remembering features. What I enjoy is
case-study-level descriptions of organizational change and opportunity
brought by the tool I seek to understand. I always try to learn from the
experience of others, and these materials make some interesting reading.

Much of what I have to do with OneNote, for instance, will require that I
publish the info back out to interested parties that do not use either ON or
Outlook. In my semi-rural environment and teaching constituency I have less
than 40% using the web enough to use that as a method to publish, so paper
formatting and related printing issues are going to be important.

I will sign up for the Yahoo group you mentioned. I will troll for blogs.
One great teaching-focused tablet blog got started and then stopped this
spring: "teachingwithgadgets" in the Blogger environment (can't go out to get
the url because my post window always disappears -- with all traces of the
post gone -- whenever I leave to do that...)

Patrick has contributed some insights from his teaching duties. There have
to be some white papers out there, too. Any guidance from the consultants on
this list?

Thanks, in advance,


Andrew Watt [MVP]

Much of what I have to do with OneNote, for instance, will require that I
publish the info back out to interested parties that do not use either ON or
Outlook. In my semi-rural environment and teaching constituency I have less
than 40% using the web enough to use that as a method to publish, so paper
formatting and related printing issues are going to be important.

Others may want to comment on this too but OneNote isn't the best
program for layout for printed notes. Its note containers (I forget
the official name) are less tidy than managing the same information in
Word, which is of course designed as a document layout tool.

That's not to say that it can't be done but layout is something that
you will have to continue to watch for.

At least that's my $0.02. :)

Andrew Watt MVP


I looked into education pricing and found that it would be easy to get
OneNote for *everyone* here and although many teachers will be hesitant to
adopt, when they see benefits other accrue more will try it. Then I have part
of my problem solved, because those teachers are getting OneNote documents in
native form.

My other alternative for organization was InfoSelect and that has some
challenges for layout of docs and sharing for sharing with "outsiders". It's
always easier if eveyone uses the same program but schools have many people
who don't like computers or have experiences with software technology.

PDF helps. Printing to OneNote helps, when I figure out how to get that


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