Where are my e-mails located?


Erik Lindeberg

Windows did not boot after replacing my computers motherboard so I had to
install Windows XP from the CD. Unfortunately it did not install on top of
the old installation, but in a new directory with new accounts, personal
setting etc. Therefore I can not run any of the Office applications anymore.
because. That is no problem to reinstall them, but I must be sure that I do
not lose all my e-mails, addresses etc. I did not archive anything, but the
e-mails must be located in some files somewhere. How can I save them?

Erik L


These are pst-files. Make sure you include hidden and system files and
folders when searching for the items.

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Questions of the month:
-Color Code Your E-Mail Advanced
-Add Sound To Your E-mail


Erik Lindeberg

Erik said:
"Roady" replied:
These are pst-files. Make sure you include hidden and system files and
folders when searching for the items.
Thank you, I found them and I am very relieved.
I thought so too, but I had forgotten to tick off on the
option to "Search hidden files and folders" in my search.
I thought that was default when I had set my
Windows Explorer to show hidden files and folders...
Best regards Erik Lindeberg

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