Where are my non-default user data?



Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel Email Client: pop 1) Where are the entourage folders (email, contacts, calender) comparable to the .pst folder in windows? I would like to store them (via an alias) in a true crypt container so that they inaccessable in case my notebook is stolen. They are NOT in my document folder. If somebody could tell me the exact name or ending of these files, I could find them using the finder.

2) Where are the personal data folders of imail, icalender and iaddress book? How can I delete them permanently (using a secure way)? I would like to use ONLY entourage and store the data ONLY on the encrypted part.

Thanks for all answers!

Michel Bintener

1) Where are the entourage folders (email,
contacts, calender) comparable to the .pst folder in windows? I would
like to store them (via an alias) in a true crypt container so that they
inaccessable in case my notebook is stolen. They are NOT in my document
folder. If somebody could tell me the exact name or ending of these
files, I could find them using the finder.

Entourage stores its data in a database, which you can find in the
following folder:

~/Documents/Microsoft User Data/Office 2008 Identities/<name of your
identity> (where "~" stands for your Mac OS X user account)
2) Where are the personal data folders of imail, icalender and iaddress
book? How can I delete them permanently (using a secure way)? I would
like to use ONLY entourage and store the data ONLY on the encrypted part.

Mail, Address Book, and iCal store their data in the following folders:

Mail: ~/Library/Mail
Address Book: ~/Library/Application Support/AddressBook
iCal: ~/Library/Calendars

You can simply drag these folders into the trash bin, and then click on
Finder>Secure Empty Trash.


Thanks, Michel, for your quick reply. I found the user data under

~library/preferences/Microsoft User Data/ etc.

However I cannot store it on my encrypted partition (truecrypt container). Here is what I did:

1. Copy identity folder to encrypted partition
2. Create alias on encrypted partition
3. Copy alias to original place
4. delete original identity and alias on encrypted partition, delete trash bin.

Result: Entourage does not start as it cannot find identity, I cannot start Microsoft Database Daemon either. I can repair entourage by copying the original identity folder back and checking it with Database Daemon. However I would like to have my data on the encrypted partition.

Where is my mistake?

P.S. If Windows Office XP cannot find the .pst folder it can be directed to look directly for it on the encrypted part. I am looking for a similar solution on Mac.

Diane Ross

Entourage expects the Microsoft User Data folder to be in your Documents
folder. For OS X users, that's the Documents folder in your User's folder.

When the Identity of Microsoft User Data folder is moved, Entourage should
create a new one.


Thanks, Michel, for your quick reply. I found the user data under

~library/preferences/Microsoft User Data/ etc.

However I cannot store it on my encrypted partition (truecrypt container).
Here is what I did:

1. Copy identity folder to encrypted partition
2. Create alias on encrypted partition
3. Copy alias to original place
4. delete original identity and alias on encrypted partition, delete trash

Result: Entourage does not start as it cannot find identity, I cannot start
Microsoft Database Daemon either. I can repair entourage by copying the
original identity folder back and checking it with Database Daemon. However I
would like to have my data on the encrypted partition.

Where is my mistake?

P.S. If Windows Office XP cannot find the .pst folder it can be directed to
look directly for it on the encrypted part. I am looking for a similar
solution on Mac.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://tinyurl.com/bzcrjy> <-- Entourage mailing list
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/entouragehelp>


&quot;When the Identity of Microsoft User Data folder is moved, Entourage should create a new one.&quot;

Yes, I know this, but I WANT to move the user data to an encrypted partition. Is there no way to tell Entourage to accept the Alias? I tried to replace only the Database file with an Alias but it didn't work either.

Diane Ross

Yes, I know this, but I WANT to move the user data to an encrypted partition.
Is there no way to tell Entourage to accept the Alias? I tried to replace only
the Database file with an Alias but it didn't work either.

Some users use an alias to move, but I¹m not sure how this would work with
an encrypted partition. If you alias you should use either the Microsoft
User Data folder or the Main Identity folder not just a file.

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://tinyurl.com/bzcrjy> <-- Entourage mailing list
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/entouragehelp>


So how does it work moving the Microsoft User Data to a different place? (The fact that the place is encrypted doesn't make a difference) I tried to replace my Identity folder with an alias (see my description above) but Entourage doesn't accept the alias at this place. I assume it makes not difference if I would &quot;Alias&quot; the whole MS Identities Folder. Is it possible that I make a very simple mistake using the Alias?

Thanks for your help!

Diane Ross

So how does it work moving the Microsoft User Data to a different place? (The
fact that the place is encrypted doesn't make a difference) I tried to replace
my Identity folder with an alias (see my description above) but Entourage
doesn't accept the alias at this place. I assume it makes not difference if I
would "Alias" the whole MS Identities Folder. Is it possible that I make a
very simple mistake using the Alias?

Why not try it and see if it works?

Diane Ross, Microsoft Mac MVP
Entourage Help Page <http://www.entourage.mvps.org/>
Entourage Help Blog <http://blog.entourage.mvps.org/>
YouTalk <http://tinyurl.com/bzcrjy> <-- Entourage mailing list
Twitter: follow <http://twitter.com/entouragehelp>


Nope, doesn't work. However after hours of searching I finally found the solution in the Macworld Forum. Here it is:


There is only one problem left: I cannot eject the external drive as the Database Daemon is runnning in the background even after quitting Entourage preventing to eject the volume. One user suggested to write an Applescript that ends Entourage and the Database Daemon together. I don't know how to to this. Is there any other easy way to quit Database Daemon other than using the Process Viewer each time?

Michel Bintener


the script is actually very straightforward:

open AppleScript Editor, then paste the following code into the window:

tell application "Microsoft Database Daemon"
end tell

Save the file as a script, and place a shortcut in your Dock. Simply
click it, and the Database Daemon will be stopped. You could also set up
a schedule in Entourage (Tools>Schedules) set to run on quit. This
schedule would then run the AppleScript whenever you quit Entourage, so
you wouldn't have to remember to do it every single time. This is
perhaps the best solution, but you need to be careful, as other Office
applications need the Database Daemon, too. In other words, if you
choose the Schedule option, make sure no other Microsoft application is
running when you quit Entourage.

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