where are outlook 2003 file attachments and how do i access them?


Dan Schultz

When I receive a file attached to an e-mail in Outlook 2003 and open it,
invariably it tells me its in a directory named OLKE in Temporary Internet
Files in Local Settings in my user name directory in Documents and Settings
on Local Disk C: The only problem is, I can't access that directory using
Windows Explorer. I have turned off the "don't show hidden files" feature.
Where are these file attachments stored? I want to access some of them and
then save them to my Documents folder, but I can't find a Temporary Internet
Files folder on my drive or a subdirectory named OLKE. Help!
Dan Schultz

Roady [MVP]

See http://www.howto-outlook.com/faq/securetemp.htm

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

When I receive a file attached to an e-mail in Outlook 2003 and open it,
invariably it tells me its in a directory named OLKE in Temporary Internet
Files in Local Settings in my user name directory in Documents and Settings
on Local Disk C: The only problem is, I can't access that directory using
Windows Explorer. I have turned off the "don't show hidden files" feature.
Where are these file attachments stored? I want to access some of them and
then save them to my Documents folder, but I can't find a Temporary Internet
Files folder on my drive or a subdirectory named OLKE. Help!
Dan Schultz

Dan Schultz

Thanks, but you are way over my head.

I'm pasting part of what you wrote so that we can refer to it:

Step 1: Locate the folder
The folder location is stored in the registry in the following key;
Outlook 97

Outlook 98

Outlook 2000

Outlook 2002/XP

Outlook 2003

Step 2: Get to the folder

Open the OutlookSecureTempFolder registry key from the location provided in
Step 1.

Copy the path from the key.

Open Explorer

Paste the address in the Address Bar and press Enter


My ignorance will be apparent to you by the following questions.

You say I should open the correct registry key from the registry. What's
"the registry?" Where do I find it? With what do I copy the files with?
IE? Windows Explorer? From where? With what? I don't even know what a
"registry key" is. The "Run" button? I know a smidgen about computers, but
I use software, I don't design it.

Can you break things down to a little more basic level for me or point me in
the right direction to go?

Thank you very much, and I apologize for sounding so dense.


Roady said:
See http://www.howto-outlook.com/faq/securetemp.htm

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

When I receive a file attached to an e-mail in Outlook 2003 and open it,
invariably it tells me its in a directory named OLKE in Temporary Internet
Files in Local Settings in my user name directory in Documents and Settings
on Local Disk C: The only problem is, I can't access that directory using
Windows Explorer. I have turned off the "don't show hidden files" feature.
Where are these file attachments stored? I want to access some of them and
then save them to my Documents folder, but I can't find a Temporary Internet
Files folder on my drive or a subdirectory named OLKE. Help!
Dan Schultz

Roady [MVP]

"Thanks, but you are way over my head."
For that I created the OutlookTools application. You'll have no problems
finding it then ;-)

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

Thanks, but you are way over my head.

I'm pasting part of what you wrote so that we can refer to it:

Step 1: Locate the folder
The folder location is stored in the registry in the following key;
Outlook 97

Outlook 98

Outlook 2000

Outlook 2002/XP

Outlook 2003

Step 2: Get to the folder

Open the OutlookSecureTempFolder registry key from the location provided in
Step 1.

Copy the path from the key.

Open Explorer

Paste the address in the Address Bar and press Enter


My ignorance will be apparent to you by the following questions.

You say I should open the correct registry key from the registry. What's
"the registry?" Where do I find it? With what do I copy the files with?
IE? Windows Explorer? From where? With what? I don't even know what a
"registry key" is. The "Run" button? I know a smidgen about computers, but
I use software, I don't design it.

Can you break things down to a little more basic level for me or point me in
the right direction to go?

Thank you very much, and I apologize for sounding so dense.


Roady said:
See http://www.howto-outlook.com/faq/securetemp.htm

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

When I receive a file attached to an e-mail in Outlook 2003 and open it,
invariably it tells me its in a directory named OLKE in Temporary Internet
Files in Local Settings in my user name directory in Documents and
on Local Disk C: The only problem is, I can't access that directory using
Windows Explorer. I have turned off the "don't show hidden files"
Where are these file attachments stored? I want to access some of them
then save them to my Documents folder, but I can't find a Temporary
Files folder on my drive or a subdirectory named OLKE. Help!
Dan Schultz


Hi Dan,

The Registry is where you can change the default location of where the
attachments are saved. Yet, if you don't actually know what the registry is,
I highly recommend you don't mess with it.

What you did sounds correct. Perhaps you just need to close out of all of
your Windows Explorer windows and reopen them, or go to View/Refresh. The
Local Settings should show up under C:\Documents and Settings\your profile

However, all this is kinda moot because what you should do, if you want to
save your attachments is - right click on the attachment icon in the Outlook
message and select the Save option. Then, Save the file to another location,
like your desktop or your My Documents folder.

Good luck.


Dan Schultz

Thanks for your suggestions, but I guess I'm not asking my question properly.

I get attachments to e-mail messages. When I open them, they open just
fine. When I go to save them, the dialog box says they are saved in a
directory called "OLKE." I can see all of the other file attachments that
I've received displayed in this OLKE directory. I want to access this
directory to see what I've received in the past. How do I do this? Can it
be done? Why in the h-e-double hockey sticks does Microsoft make this so
hard on the user?!

I'll take any further suggestions/instructions you might have.

Thank you,

Dan Schultz

Rebecca and Roady,
Update. I remembered the "regedit" command and followed Roady's
suggestions. It worked! Thanks to both of you for helping me!

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