Dan Schultz
When I receive a file attached to an e-mail in Outlook 2003 and open it,
invariably it tells me its in a directory named OLKE in Temporary Internet
Files in Local Settings in my user name directory in Documents and Settings
on Local Disk C: The only problem is, I can't access that directory using
Windows Explorer. I have turned off the "don't show hidden files" feature.
Where are these file attachments stored? I want to access some of them and
then save them to my Documents folder, but I can't find a Temporary Internet
Files folder on my drive or a subdirectory named OLKE. Help!
Dan Schultz
invariably it tells me its in a directory named OLKE in Temporary Internet
Files in Local Settings in my user name directory in Documents and Settings
on Local Disk C: The only problem is, I can't access that directory using
Windows Explorer. I have turned off the "don't show hidden files" feature.
Where are these file attachments stored? I want to access some of them and
then save them to my Documents folder, but I can't find a Temporary Internet
Files folder on my drive or a subdirectory named OLKE. Help!
Dan Schultz