Hi Marco,
The version of VBA in Macintosh Office is version 5. Any VBA commands
that work only in version 6 will not work in Mac Office.
That being said, savesetting is valid according to the object model (but
I didn't try this.)
The following is from Word's help:
SaveSetting Statement Example
The following example first uses the SaveSetting statement to make
entries in the Macintosh registry for the MyApp application, and then
uses the DeleteSetting statement to remove them.
' Place some settings in the registry.
SaveSetting appname := "MyApp", section := "Startup", _
key := "Top", setting := 75
SaveSetting "MyApp","Startup", "Left", 50
' Remove section and all its settings from registry.
DeleteSetting "MyApp", "Startup"
Also from Word's help:
GetSetting Function Example
This example first uses the SaveSetting statement to make entries in the
Macintosh registry for the application specified as appname, and then
uses the GetSetting function to display one of the settings. Because the
default argument is specified, some value is guaranteed to be returned.
Note that section names can't be retrieved with GetSetting. Finally, the
DeleteSetting statement removes all the application's entries.
' Variant to hold 2-dimensional array returned by GetSetting.
Dim MySettings As Variant
' Place some settings in the registry.
SaveSetting "MyApp","Startup", "Top", 75
SaveSetting "MyApp","Startup", "Left", 50
Debug.Print GetSetting(appname := "MyApp", section := "Startup", _
key := "Left", default := "25")
DeleteSetting "MyApp", "Startup"
To find these examples, when you are in the visual basic editor search
help. Just type in the command you want information and examples about.
If the examples for VBA are not there, it is possible that they were
left off during the install. Run the installer and do a custom install.
You can install just the VBA help that way.