Where are Word 2007 functions listed?



The Help pages do not seem to understand the above question, so I cannot find
any information on doing calculations within Word 2007 tables.

Herb Tyson [MVP]

Wow. They sure don't make it easy, do they? Even knowing exactly how to do
it, I can't coax the Help system into sharing that information with me.

In the Table Tools Layout ribbon tab, click the fx/Formula button (far right
end of the ribbon).

Doug Robbins - Word MVP

Hi Herb,

A few more of us should provide feedback via the Help facility. I just sent

"Try searching the Help in Word for Formula. I know it is on the Tables tab
in the Ribbon, but for someone who does not know that, what chance have they
got with what is returned by the Help facility?"

Hope this helps.

Please reply to the newsgroup unless you wish to avail yourself of my
services on a paid consulting basis.

Doug Robbins - Word MVP


Doug said:
"Try searching the Help in Word for Formula. I know it is on the Tables tab
in the Ribbon, but for someone who does not know that, what chance have they
got with what is returned by the Help facility?"

Doug, I've saved that text for use with the various feedback mechanisms
I've come across, and used regularly.

Despite being crystal clear, I suspect that in 90% of cases this will
elicit a reply along the lines of:

"Formulas are documented at ..." or even worse:
"You should search the help for information on formulas"

Still, a 9% improvement will be a huge step forwards!

Herb Tyson [MVP]

For a moment there, I misunderstood, and thought that you were saying that
searching for "formula" was the answer. Here, I get 23 hits with Online
Content enabled, and 9 with it turned off... and--as you discovered--NONE of
them have anything whatsoever to do with table math, the = field, etc..

If I could actually find any help on it, I could then reverse engineer some
working search terms... but, as far as I can tell, there does not seem to be
anything about this in the Help file.

One thing I miss from OS/2 is that you could do an actual search of the help
file--you were not limited to the terms that are indexed. This gave
tremendous capabilities to quickly find what you're looking for. The fact
that we can't search the help files directly in Windows applications means
we're at the mercy of some indexer's limited imagination.

Herb Tyson MS MVP
Author of the Word 2007 Bible
Blog: http://word2007bible.herbtyson.com
Web: http://www.herbtyson.com

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