where can I adding more paper types to word?



i would like to add more paper types, like Averys "Matte White Clean Edge
business cards". There doesn't seem to be a way to add to offices Paper
Types. Now, I'm not talking about templates. I want to be able to select a
type of paper from the printer menus. Either through the process of
downloading them for creating them. Different printers will handle different
paper types, in different ways. Any ideas? Thx

Graham Mayor

This is a function of the printer driver and not Word. Contact the printer

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Graham Mayor - Word MVP

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Suzanne S. Barnhill

This is not a paper type but a label definition. You should be able to use
any of the built-in Avery label definitions for business cards; the actual
paper type is irrelevant, and the layout is the same. Go to Tools | Letters
and Mailings | Envelopes and Labels. On the Labels tab, click Options... and
select any of the "labels" in the 837x range.

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