Where can I download the BETA (I had to remove it from my PC)



I registered and downloaded the beta 2 quite a while ago but had to remove it
from my PC due to some issues with spyware.

I can not find the link to the beta 2 anymore. Any idea where to find it (as
I want to download it and then download the beta 2 refresh)




Thanks so my questions is - is the beta 2 techical refresh a version on its
own or do I need the beta 2 to run the technical refresh?

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

B2TR is like a service pack to B2, so you need to download and
install B2 before you can install B2TR.


I remember not having to pay for tha product when I downloaded, how come I am
being charged for this product now?

Bob I

From the page

:Update (August 6, 2006) We are thrilled with the incredible excitement
around the upcoming 2007 Microsoft Office system as is evident by nearly
3 million people using the Beta 2 since its release two months ago.
Having exceeded our Beta 2 technical participation goals we are now
offering this on a cost recovery basis for future downloads of Beta 2.
We continue to offer the 2007 Office system Beta 2 orderable by"

garfield-n-odie [MVP]

The reason for the nominal charge is given on the Beta 2 webpage.
If you still have the Beta 2 download file that you previously
acquired at no charge, then you can use it again to reinstall
Beta 2 at no charge. If you did not keep the Beta 2 download
file, then whose fault is that? The Office 2007 beta program
will end on October 31, 2006, and the Beta 2 download will
probably be removed from Microsoft's servers after that date, so
get it while you can if you really want it. B2 without TR will
expire on January 31, 2007, and B2 with TR will expire on March
31, 2007.


Why would you want to re-install it? It caused way too many problems with
other programs on my PC. I was not able to load my Movie program and my Works
8 won't load either. It took several steps to get my computer somewhat back
to where it was prior to installation. I'm still trying to get my computer
programs working properly.

Milly Staples - MVP Outlook

The reason for the highly published and much talked about - DO NOT INSTALL

Additionally, even move prominent in the Beta 2 Technical Refresh EULA -

"You are not authorised to run this in a live environment without a special
separate license from Microsoft." (sic)

So, if your system is hosed, you were warned. Restore from your backup.

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, 777 asked:

| Why would you want to re-install it? It caused way too many problems
| with other programs on my PC. I was not able to load my Movie program
| and my Works 8 won't load either. It took several steps to get my
| computer somewhat back to where it was prior to installation. I'm
| still trying to get my computer programs working properly.
| "KB" wrote:
|| I registered and downloaded the beta 2 quite a while ago but had to
|| remove it from my PC due to some issues with spyware.
|| I can not find the link to the beta 2 anymore. Any idea where to
|| find it (as I want to download it and then download the beta 2
|| refresh)
|| thx
|| Karime

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