Where can I find all the "color codes"?


Sam Kuo


I am trying to change Back Color of some rectangles, but I don't know what
"code" is for which color (except black=0 and red=225) in Visual Basic. Can
anyone please help?

I'm actually after dark grey and light grey, but it'd be nice to know a list
of color codes for all colors in the palette. Many thanks


John Webb via AccessMonster.com

here are the colour constants from the vba help file:

System Color Constants

The following constants can be used anywhere in your code in place of the
actual values:

Constant Value Description
vbScrollBars = Scroll bar color
vbDesktop = Desktop color
vbActiveTitleBar = Color of the title bar for the active window
vbInactiveTitleBar = Color of the title bar for the inactive window
vbMenuBar = Menu background color
vbWindowBackground = Window background color
vbWindowFrame = Window frame color
vbMenuText = Color of text on menus
vbWindowText = Color of text in windows
vbTitleBarText = Color of text in caption, size box, and scroll arrow
vbActiveBorder = Border color of active window
vbInactiveBorder = Border color of inactive window
vbApplicationWorkspace = Background color of multiple-document interface
(MDI) applications
vbHighlight = Background color of items selected in a control
vbHighlightText = Text color of items selected in a control
vbButtonFace = Color of shading on the face of command buttons
vbButtonShadow = Color of shading on the edge of command buttons
vbGrayText = Grayed (disabled) text
vbButtonText = Text color on push buttons
vbInactiveCaptionText = Color of text in an inactive caption
vb3DHighlight = Highlight color for 3-D display elements
vb3DDKShadow = Darkest shadow color for 3-D display elements
vb3DLight = Second lightest 3-D color after vb3DHighlight
vbInfoText = Color of text in ToolTips
vbInfoBackground = Background color of ToolTips

vbBlack = Black
vbRed = Red
vbGreen = Green
vbYellow = Yellow
vbBlue = Blue
vbMagenta = Magenta
vbCyan = Cyan
vbWhite = White

Hope that helps

John Webb

Steven Greenberg


I am trying to change Back Color of some rectangles, but I don't know
what "code" is for which color (except black=0 and red=225) in Visual
Basic. Can anyone please help?

I'm actually after dark grey and light grey, but it'd be nice to know
a list of color codes for all colors in the palette. Many thanks



I got fed up with trying to calculate the color codes also, so I created
this application (via VB) called RGB which lets me play with all values of
Red, Green and Blue via sliders and shows the result along with the
decimal, hex and full decimal number. Feel free to download it and try it
out. It can be found at:


Anyone else feel free to try it out. it has certainly helped me many times
before. There is no help but it is self explanatory, plus there are many
other convenient things it can do. email me with any questions or

Steve Greenberg

Sam Kuo

Thanks John. I'm sure they are very helpful, especially those related to the
color of components that forms Access.

I also found out another way of manually finding out the color constants.
If I just go to the color property of whatever control I want to use, and
click on the button on the right, which would then open up the palette. Then
I can just pick whatever color I want and click OK. The equivalent color
constant would then be shown in the color property box :)


Sam Kuo

Thanks Steven. Your RGB is indeed very handy. it means I can now just use
that to quickly find out the RGB values of whatever color I want even when I
am not in Access, rather than having to indirectly go to the buil-in palette

However, It seems Access defines the color constant differently? For
example, color constant for Grey would be 8421504, but its RGB is 128, 128,

Therefore, I also found out another way of manually finding out the color
constants for Access. If I just go to the color property of whatever control
I want to use, and
click on the button on the right, which would then open up the palette. Then
I can just pick whatever color I want and click OK. The equivalent color
constant would then be shown in the color property box :)


John Vinson

However, It seems Access defines the color constant differently? For
example, color constant for Grey would be 8421504, but its RGB is 128, 128,

The color code is a "packed" long integer: the RGB code is the Red
value + 255 * the Green value + 65536 * the Blue value. Essentially,
it's three 8-bit numbers packed into a 24 bit value.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

John Vinson

The color code is a "packed" long integer: the RGB code is the Red
value + 255 * the Green value + 65536 * the Blue value. Essentially,
it's three 8-bit numbers packed into a 24 bit value.

Oops... 256 * the green value, not 255.

If you look at a color code in hex, a medium grey would be 0F0F0F =
986895. White is FFFFFF (full intensity of all colors); black is
000000; pure red is 0000FF = 255, pure green is 00FF00 = 65280, pure
blue FF0000 = 16711680.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

Steven Greenberg

Thanks Steven. Your RGB is indeed very handy. it means I can now just
use that to quickly find out the RGB values of whatever color I want
even when I am not in Access, rather than having to indirectly go to
the buil-in palette everytime.

However, It seems Access defines the color constant differently? For
example, color constant for Grey would be 8421504, but its RGB is 128,
128, 128.

Therefore, I also found out another way of manually finding out the
color constants for Access. If I just go to the color property of
whatever control I want to use, and
click on the button on the right, which would then open up the
palette. Then I can just pick whatever color I want and click OK. The
equivalent color constant would then be shown in the color property
box :)


I've incorporated that function (specifically for Access) into my RGB
program. If you look at the right side where it says foreground and
background. The label tells you both the decimal RGB (as in 255,125,331)
and the Access version of the 24 bit number (as in 12640511). I just added
that as my original RGB only had the RGB and HEX values. Try it out.

Stephen Lebans

Here is some info on Colors and WIndows from a previous post of mine:

For actual VB code to perform the conversion and a bit of an explanation
on the various ways colors are represented in windows see:

For more detail here is a previous post of mine on this subject.
For a detailed online Color FAQ see:

For information on how windows represents colors see:

In case you do not have access to MSDN:

Working with Color
See Also

Visual Basic uses a consistent system for all color properties and
graphics methods. A color is represented by a Long integer, and this
value has the same meaning in all contexts that specify a color.

Specifying Colors at Run Time
There are four ways to specify a color value at run time:

Use the RGB function.

Use the QBColor function to choose one of 16 Microsoft QuickBasic®

Use one of the intrinsic constants listed in the Object Browser.

Enter a color value directly.
This section discusses how to use the RGB and QBColor functions as
simple ways to specify color. See "Using Color Properties" later in this
chapter for information on using constants to define color or directly
entering color values.

Using the RGB Function
You can use the RGB function to specify any color.

To use the RGB function to specify a color

Assign each of the three primary colors (red, green, and blue) a number
from 0 to 255, with 0 denoting the least intensity and 255 the greatest.

Give these three numbers as input to the RGB function, using the order

Assign the result to the color property or color argument.
Every visible color can be produced by combining one or more of the
three primary colors. For example:

' Set background to green.
Form1.BackColor = RGB(0, 128, 0)
' Set background to yellow.
Form2.BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 0)
' Set point to dark blue.
PSet (100, 100), RGB(0, 0, 64)

For More Information For information on the RGB function, see "RGB
Function" in the Language Reference.

Using Color Properties
See Also

Many of the controls in Visual Basic have properties that determine the
colors used to display the control. Keep in mind that some of these
properties also apply to controls that aren't graphical. The following
table describes the color properties.

Property Description
BackColor Sets the background color of the form or control used for
drawing. If you change the BackColor property after using graphics
methods to draw, the graphics are erased by the new background color.
ForeColor Sets the color used by graphics methods to create text or
graphics in a form or control. Changing ForeColor does not affect text
or graphics already created.
BorderColor Sets the color of the border of a shape control.
FillColor Sets the color that fills circles created with the Circle
method and boxes created with the Line method.

For More Information For detailed descriptions of these color
properties, see "BackColor Property," "ForeColor Property," "BorderColor
Property," and "FillColor Property" in the Language Reference.

Defining Colors
The color properties can use any of several methods to define the color
value. The RGB function described in "Working with Color" is one way to
define colors. This section discusses two more ways to define colors:

Using defined constants

Using direct color settings
Using Defined Constants
You don't need to understand how color values are generated if you use
the intrinsic constants listed in the Object Browser. In addition,
intrinsic constants do not need to be declared. For example, you can use
the constant vbRed whenever you want to specify red as a color argument
or color property setting:

BackColor = vbRed

Using Direct Color Settings
Using the RGB function or the intrinsic constants to define color are in
direct methods. They are indirect because Visual Basic interprets them
into the single approach it uses to represent color. If you understand
how colors are represented in Visual Basic, you can assign numbers to
color properties and arguments that specify color directly. In most
cases, it's much easier to enter these numbers in hexadecimal.

The valid range for a normal RGB color is 0 to 16,777,215 (&HFFFFFF&).
Each color setting (property or argument) is a 4-byte integer. The high
byte of a number in this range equals 0. The lower 3 bytes, from least
to most significant byte, determine the amount of red, green, and blue,
respectively. The red, green, and blue components are each represented
by a number between 0 and 255 (&HFF).

Consequently, you can specify a color as a hexadecimal number using this


The BB specifies the amount of blue, GG the amount of green, and RR the
amount of red. Each of these fragments is a two-digit hexadecimal number
from 00 to FF. The median value is 80. Thus, the following number
specifies gray, which has the median amount of all three colors:


Setting the most significant bit to 1 changes the meaning of the color
value: It no longer represents an RGB color, but an environment-wide
color specified through the Windows Control Panel. The values that
correspond to these system-wide colors range from &H80000000 to

Note Although you can specify over 16 million different colors, not
all systems are capable of displaying them accurately. For more
information on how Windows represents colors, see "Working with 256
Colors" later in this chapter.

Using System Colors
When setting the colors of controls or forms in your application, you
can use colors specified by the operating system instead of specific
color values. If you specify system colors, when users of your
application change the values of system colors on their computers, your
application automatically reflects the user-specified color values.

Each system color has both a defined constant and a direct color
setting. The high byte of direct color settings for system colors
differs from those of normal RGB colors. For RGB colors, the high byte
equals 0 whereas for system colors the high byte equals 8. The rest of
the number refers to a particular system color. For example, the
hexadecimal number used to represent the color of an active window
caption is &H80000002&.

When you select color properties at design time with the Properties
window, selecting the System tab lets you choose system settings, which
are automatically converted into the hexadecimal value. You can also
find the defined constants for system colors in the Object Browser.

Constant Value Description
vbScrollBars 0x80000000 Scroll bar color
vbDesktop 0x80000001 Desktop color
vbActiveTitleBar 0x80000002 Color of the title bar for the active window
vbInactiveTitleBar 0x80000003 Color of the title bar for the inactive
vbMenuBar 0x80000004 Menu background color
vbWindowBackground 0x80000005 Window background color
vbWindowFrame 0x80000006 Window frame color
vbMenuText 0x80000007 Color of text on menus
vbWindowText 0x80000008 Color of text in windows
vbTitleBarText 0x80000009 Color of text in caption, size box, and scroll
vbActiveBorder 0x8000000A Border color of active window
vbInactiveBorder 0x8000000B Border color of inactive window
vbApplicationWorkspace 0x8000000C Background color of multiple-document
interface (MDI) applications
vbHighlight 0x8000000D Background color of items selected in a control
vbHighlightText 0x8000000E Text color of items selected in a control
vbButtonFace 0x8000000F Color of shading on the face of command buttons
vbButtonShadow 0x80000010 Color of shading on the edge of command
vbGrayText 0x80000011 Grayed (disabled) text
vbButtonText 0x80000012 Text color on push buttons
vbInactiveCaptionText 0x80000013 Color of text in an inactive caption
vb3DHighlight 0x80000014 Highlight color for 3-D display elements
vb3DDKShadow 0x80000015 Darkest shadow color for 3-D display elements
vb3DLight 0x80000016 Second lightest 3-D color after vb3DHighlight
vbInfoText 0x80000017 Color of text in ToolTips
vbInfoBackground 0x80000018 Background color of ToolTips


Stephen Lebans
Access Code, Tips and Tricks
Please respond only to the newsgroups so everyone can benefit.


I hope you don't mind if I come into your discussion. Does anyone know what
is the RGB value for the command button? It's kind of grey, but I cannot find
the values, so that I could apply it as background of graphics I build.


Allen Browne

Not sure where I got this list from: probably Stephen Lebans:

System colours:
Scroll bar -2147483648
Desktop -2147483647
Active window title bar -2147483646
Inactive window title bar -2147483645
Menu bar -2147483644
Window -2147483643
Window frame -2147483642
Menu text -2147483641
Window text -2147483640
Title bar text -2147483639
Active window border -2147483638
Inactive window border -2147483637
Application background -2147483636
Highlight -2147483635
Highlight text -2147483634
3-D face -2147483633
3-D shadow -2147483632
Dimmed (disabled) text -2147483631
Button text -2147483630
Inactive window title bar text -2147483629
3-D highlight -2147483628
3-D dark shadow -2147483627
3-D light -2147483626
ToolTip text -2147483625
ToolTip background -2147483624


Thank you Allen,
can I ask you another question?
How can I use the values you listed in RGB?
I mean RGb is usually made by thre numbers (i.e. red is RGB(255,0,0)).
How can I tralslate your liste into RGB?

Thanks anyway.

Rick Brandt

rocco said:
Thank you Allen,
can I ask you another question?
How can I use the values you listed in RGB?
I mean RGb is usually made by thre numbers (i.e. red is RGB(255,0,0)).
How can I tralslate your liste into RGB?

As posted in your other thread these "system colors" don't always produce the
same actual colors. It depends on the coloring scheme that the user sets up.
All you can do is match the default one (which will likely work on most
systems), but anyone using a different theme or color scheme will end upi with
the buttons not matching the form background.

Douglas J. Steele

The code's Allen's given you are "special" ones. They don't correspond to an
RGB value: they correspond to an official "System" colour (set through the
Appearance tab under Screen Properties)

In general, though, the colour values Access uses actually are RGB, except
they're in a reverse order. If you convert the Access colour code to a 6
character Hex string (using Right$("000000" & Hex(AccessColour), 6)), the
left most two characters will be the Blue value, the middle two the Green
value, and the right most two the Red value:

Function Red(ColourValue As Long) As Long
Dim strHexColour As String

strHexColour = Right$("000000" & Hex(ColourValue), 6)
Red = CLng("&H" & Right$(strHexColour, 2))
End Function

Function Green(ColourValue As Long) As Long
Dim strHexColour As String

strHexColour = Right$("000000" & Hex(ColourValue), 6)
Green = CLng("&H" & Mid$(strHexColour, 3, 2))

End Function

Function Blue(ColourValue As Long) As Long
Dim strHexColour As String

strHexColour = Right$("000000" & Hex(ColourValue), 6)
Blue = CLng("&H" & Left$(strHexColour, 2))

End Function

Doug Steele, Microsoft Access MVP

(no e-mails, please!)

Rob S.

Hi Sam, would you have Mr. Greenbergs RGB tool? I can't seem to find him.
Thank you.

Rob S.

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