Bill Weylock said:
I¹m trying to use QuicKeys to recreate a few macros, and I am bumping into
fine points about window control.
I know this has to be incredibly basic, but what are the differences among
windows, sheets, palettes, etc? Is there a tech doc someone can link me to?
Or just shoot me?
Not sure what you're doing with QuicKeys, but on a Document Object Model
(DOM) level:
Window: Child object of Application, and member of Application's
Windows Collection. A workbook has a Windows Collection as well, that
contains the windows for that workbook. Windows contain scrollbars and
captions, and control certain preferences, such as gridlines, freeze
panes, splits, outlines, selected sheets, display zeros, etc.
Workbook: Also a child object of Application, and member of
Application's Workbooks Collection. A workbook contains worksheets,
chart sheets, macro sheets, vbprojects, etc., and contains
workbook-level collections such as Names, styles, colors, WebOptions
and document properties. Workbook-level methods include Open, Close,
PrintOut, Protect, Save, Follow Hyperlink, New Window, etc.
Workbook-level properties include date system, activesheet, activechart,
precision as displayed, protect workbook, etc.
Worksheet: A child object of Workbook, belongs to the workbook's
Worksheets collection. A worksheet contains ranges, rows, columns, page
breaks, Names, Page Setup objects, hyperlinks, Pivot Tables, Chart
objects, comment objects, autofilter objects, shape objects, list
objects, etc. Worksheet-level methods include Calculate, Copy, Delete,
Paste, Move, PrintOut, Protect, Select, etc. Properties include used
range, visible, display page breaks, circular reference, etc.
Palettes: Palette's in the DOM exist as Command Bars (toolbars) but
have fewer features - they're not customizable, though you can change
their visible, top, left, height and width properties.