WHERE clause



I'm trying to use a sql statement to select the Dept and Branch from a table
for a specific customer number and where the groups does not start with 000.
I have tried writing the statement as follows:

vSQL = "SELECT [DEPT],[BR] from [Data] WHERE [CUST_NO] = '" & CSTMR & "'AND

However, it is still pulling in all of the groups even those that start with

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this statement. Thank You very much!

Steve McLeod

vSQL = "SELECT [DEPT], [BR] from [Data] WHERE [CUST_NO] = " &
Trim(Cstr(Nz(CSTMR, 0))) & " AND Left([GROUP],3) <> " & chr(34) & "000" &
chr(34) & ")"

Dirk Goldgar

JT said:
I'm trying to use a sql statement to select the Dept and Branch from
a table for a specific customer number and where the groups does not
start with 000. I have tried writing the statement as follows:

vSQL = "SELECT [DEPT],[BR] from [Data] WHERE [CUST_NO] = '" & CSTMR &
"'AND MID([GROUP],1,3)<>""000"")"

However, it is still pulling in all of the groups even those that
start with 000.

Can someone tell me what is wrong with this statement. Thank You
very much!

I see a couple of things wrong there: (1) you need a space before the
keyword "AND", and (2) you have an unmatched closing parenthesis. I'm
not convinced you're ever actually executing this statement, because it
ought to give you a syntax error, not just return all groups. Check to

Try this and see if it works:

vSQL = _
"SELECT [DEPT],[BR] from [Data] " & _
"WHERE [CUST_NO] = '" & CSTMR & _
"' AND [GROUP] Not Like '000*'"

If that doesn't work, check to make sure that's actually the statement
being executed.

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