Where did all the fonts go????



Upgraded from Office 2004 to 2008 on two different machines. Imagine my surprise to find ALL font options grayed out under the Format menu.

This is NOT related to the issue other people seem to be having with bad fonts. My problem is that Entourage sees absolutely NONE.

Again, this is on two different Macs running Leopard 10.5.2. I have already tried repairing permissions and cleaning all caches. No luck.

Did Microsoft spend the last two years they've been developing this product actually TESTING it?????


Finally found it on my own. Had to turn on HTML. This is a new option that was not in 2004.

Michel Bintener

No, it certainly was in Entourage 2004, and also in earlier versions of
Entourage. You can send your mail messages in two different formats: plain
text and HTML. Plain text cannot be modified, only HTML text can. My guess
is that plain text has been configured as the default text format in
Entourage 2008. If you'd like to change that, go to Entourage>Preferences,
Compose and choose HTML in the 'Mail format' section.

Finally found it on my own. Had to turn on HTML. This is a new option that was
not in 2004.

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:mac (Entourage & Word)

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