Where did my email go???



I am the IT administrator at work and we use Outlook 2003 on a Small Business

I had to log into another user's PC as the administrator to email some
documents to myself that they had on their hard drive. As I'd not used the
machine before it installed a new Outlook account. I selected the documents
by going into the directory via "my computer". Once highlighted, I used the
"send to" option. A new email window appeared with the docs as attachments.
I addressed the email to my own account but to do date it still hasn't
arrived. I have logged in as both myself and the administrator and have
nothing in my sent message box either. Where did this email go and will
anything show up in the PC owner's email box, even though I was not logged as
the PC owner? Thanks

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

If you can log onto the network where these items are stored, why not just copy/paste or drag/drop?

Milly Staples [MVP - Outlook]

Post all replies to the group to keep the discussion intact. All
unsolicited mail sent to my personal account will be deleted without

After furious head scratching, amandrik asked:

| I am the IT administrator at work and we use Outlook 2003 on a Small
| Business Server.
| I had to log into another user's PC as the administrator to email some
| documents to myself that they had on their hard drive. As I'd not
| used the machine before it installed a new Outlook account. I
| selected the documents by going into the directory via "my computer".
| Once highlighted, I used the "send to" option. A new email window
| appeared with the docs as attachments. I addressed the email to my
| own account but to do date it still hasn't arrived. I have logged in
| as both myself and the administrator and have nothing in my sent
| message box either. Where did this email go and will anything show
| up in the PC owner's email box, even though I was not logged as the
| PC owner? Thanks


Because these files were on her hard drive that does not get backed up and
she is off on extended sick leave. I can get to them again no problem, I
just wondered where the email could have gone.

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