Where did 'Normal.dot' go?

  • Thread starter Douglas Buchanan
  • Start date

Douglas Buchanan

Where did 'Normal.dot' go?

I have a lot of customization in 'Normal.dot'. This customization is
still present when I open any Word file.

I've made my last change three days ago and wanted to copy
'Normal.dot' to my other computer. I've copied it many times before. A
search for 'Normal.dot', 'Normal' or '*.dot' turns up no recent files

My 'File Explorer' view options are set properly...
'Show hidden files and folders' is set TRUE
'Hide extensions for known file types' is set FALSE
'Hide protected operating system files' is set to FALSE

I remember that 'Normal.dot' is located somewhere under documents and
Somewhere like...
C:\Documents and Settings\dbuchanan\Application Data\Microsoft\Word
C:\Documents and Settings\dbuchanan\Local Settings\Application
C:\Documents and Settings\dbuchanan\Templates

But no file.

When I open a Word document and go to the Visual Basic Editor, under
Project I still see 'Normal' and its 'NewMacros' under 'Modules'. In
the Module I can still see the recent edits I madethree days ago.

But where is the *.dot file of any name that has a recent date??????

Nick B

Check c:\documents and settings\dbuchanan\Application
Data\Microsoft\Templates\ unless the Templates path has changed in Word's
Tools->Options, File Locations tab.

Hope this helps,

Graham Mayor

Normal.dot is a hidden file. You must set Windows Explorer to display hidden
files in order to view it.

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>
Graham Mayor - Word MVP

<>>< ><<> ><<> <>>< ><<> <>>< <>><<>

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Have you tried using Windows Search to look for it? When you find it,
right-click on the file and choose "Open Containing Folder." Make sure you
get the right one. In addition to the ~$Normal.dot "owner" file (if you have
Word open), you may get quite a few shortcuts. Make sure you choose the one
that's not identified as a Shortcut (if you have file types displayed) or
that doesn't have the shortcut arrow icon.

Douglas Buchanan



!!! So why doesn't a File Explorer search find it? !!!


Douglas Buchanan

If you use Windows XP then you need to go to the More Advanced Options
and specify you want to search Hidden files.

Thank you. That clears up a lot of mysteries.


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