Last night, working into the wee hours of the morning I created an Access
2003 DB and an Infopath form from it. When I created the Submit function,
there was 'Submit to database' option which stuck the data straight from the
form into Access. Fantastic! I went to sleep a happy man.
Today, I am tired and in the office. I created a SQL database (MS SQL 2000)
the same as I had for Access. I then created an Infopath form from the
database. This time though, when I create the submit button, I no longer have
the 'Submit to database' option. Where oh where can it be??
I am starting to wonder if I wouldn;t be better off just creating a web form
connected to the database - I'm startnig to see clouds on my Infopath horizon!
2003 DB and an Infopath form from it. When I created the Submit function,
there was 'Submit to database' option which stuck the data straight from the
form into Access. Fantastic! I went to sleep a happy man.
Today, I am tired and in the office. I created a SQL database (MS SQL 2000)
the same as I had for Access. I then created an Infopath form from the
database. This time though, when I create the submit button, I no longer have
the 'Submit to database' option. Where oh where can it be??
I am starting to wonder if I wouldn;t be better off just creating a web form
connected to the database - I'm startnig to see clouds on my Infopath horizon!