Where did the submit to database go???



Last night, working into the wee hours of the morning I created an Access
2003 DB and an Infopath form from it. When I created the Submit function,
there was 'Submit to database' option which stuck the data straight from the
form into Access. Fantastic! I went to sleep a happy man.
Today, I am tired and in the office. I created a SQL database (MS SQL 2000)
the same as I had for Access. I then created an Infopath form from the
database. This time though, when I create the submit button, I no longer have
the 'Submit to database' option. Where oh where can it be??
I am starting to wonder if I wouldn;t be better off just creating a web form
connected to the database - I'm startnig to see clouds on my Infopath horizon!


I've found it! Bless me' harties! It's because in SQL I've used Text, ntext,
hyperlink, and image.

Now excuse the cynical side of me, but seeing as how Infopath is marketed
(amongst other things) as an easy front end for Access/SQL, should we not
have the ability to use all data types contained within?

Failing that (as I am either very busy or very lazy) should it not come with
some default Web Services to allow for this?

i have to say I think the product has great promise but it does depend how
far you want to integrate it and also where you see it in the market place.

Bob Chauvin \( Paix dehors \)

I agree. This is definately a v1.0 product, with some glaring limitations.

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