where do I find Auto Fill? (A previously formatted sentence or)


mikee O

In Word 2003 I would store a sentence or paragraph and when creating a
document, I'd start with the first word and word would auto fill the
How is this possible in word 2007

Suzanne S. Barnhill

What you are describing is AutoText, along with AutoComplete. AutoText still
exists in Word 2007, but AutoText entries are stored as Quick Parts or
Building Blocks. AutoComplete, alas!, is no more, but you can still insert
AutoText entries by typing the first four or more letters of the entry name
and pressing F3.

Daiya Mitchell

In Word 2003, you used to get a little yellow box offering to complete
the sentence, and you could hit Enter to say "yes, complete it." That
yellow box was part of the AutoComplete function. AutoComplete no
longer exists in Word 2007.

However, your sentences are still stored (that was the AutoText
function, which still exists), or you can create new stored sentences,
if you want. But now you have to remember when you are using an
AutoText, you won't get the little yellow box. After you've typed a bit
of the beginning, hit F3 to tell Word to pull the stored sentence that
completes that beginning.

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