where do i find how to compose a letter


Chuck Davis

laurelbgood said:
I know how to type a letter. I just dont know what to write.

Come on...

That subject was taught in the 8th grade when I was there. The "What" to
write is in your head, not the folks that tend to folks problems here on
these newsgroups.

Uncle Joe

Sorry but you're in deep trouble if you don't what to write.
How can we help you if you don't have a subject in mind?
And how can we help you if you don't know what you want
to accomplish by writing a letter? You need a beginning, a
middle, and an end. See the web link below for tips on writing letters:


This newsgroup is really intended to help Microsoft Word
users solve their problems with the application; not to help
compose letters. Sorry.

Uncle Joe

Surely the OP must be a troll. This can't be a serious posting.

What's next? "I know how to drive a car. I just don't know
where I want to go. Help me make up my mind."

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


Maybe now just isn't the right time for a letter.. for when the time is
right, you might want to practice writing letters to Santa..

Start off like this..

Dear Santa, please bring me .......................... do not get soot on it
like you did last year. Cleaning up Barbie is not a job for the faint
hearted on Christmas morning. Also, please put the correct labels on stuff,
cos my brother gotten something that I wanted/asked for........


Chuck Davis
You really should try not being so rude! I probably did not correctly
express what it was that I wanted but rudeness is a worse offense. This is
supposed to be a professional site.

Mike Hall \(MS-MVP\)


You may not know what to write in a letter, but your ability to 'understate'
is unsurpassed..

<quote> I probably did not correctly express what it was that I wanted..

Absolutely, you did not probably express what it was that you wanted.. how
could you or anybody expect a professional answer based on the less than
informative initial post?

Something you should bear in mind is that this group exists to help people
with the nuances of the MS Office Suite, which does not include basic letter
writing skills..

However, the vehicle used to get you thus far, the Internet, is a great
place for finding out how to do things like basic letter writing.. to this
end I typed the following text in my search engine of preference..

writing a professional letter

The results for the search are as follows..

Results 1 - 10 of about 34,500,000 for writing a professional letter. (0.08

This is one of the hits which you may care to peruse, noting down techniques
and ideas that may be of use to you in carrying out your task


Feed Up With Pompous Asswipes

Chuck Davis, Mike Hall, and Uncle Joe,

You guys are a bunch of sorry, pathetic, jackasses. laurelbgood was just
trying to ask you for help on a letter. It may have been a question that
wasn't thought through as well as it should have been, but it doesn't mean
you have to get your panties all in a twist. When you all go home, try not
gag as you suck your own dicks you worthless pieces of shit.


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