Where do I find the Power Point Library 2.8 COM object?



I am trying to display a powerpoint pres from my application. I have
looked in my com objects section on the vs.net toolbar and I do not see
anyting resembling it. Can I download it somewhere?

Alvin Bruney [Microsoft MVP]

try adding a COM object to the toolbox, in the COM tab it should be listed
as microsoft powerpoint dll

Alvin Bruney
[Shameless Author Plug]
The Microsoft Office Web Components Black Book with .NET
available at www.lulu.com/owc, Amazon, B&H etc


Hi Alvin,

thanks for replying. I tried to add it but I can't seem to locate it
anythere. I even did a search for powerpoint.dll and it returned
nothing. I have officeXP installed which includes powerpoint. am I
missing something?

Alvin Bruney [Microsoft MVP]

it should be the Microsoft PowerPoint 10.0 Object Library that you need 2.8
is old. When you add this reference, Visual Basic .NET infers from the
PowerPoint object library that you also need references added to the
Microsoft Office 10.0 Object Library (msppt.olb), OLE Automation
(stdole2.tlb), and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3

Alvin Bruney
[Shameless Author Plug]
The Microsoft Office Web Components Black Book with .NET
available at www.lulu.com/owc, Amazon, B&H etc


Hi Alvin,

I looked everywhere under the com listing and I do not see the word
"Powerpoint" anywhere. under the COM Components tab of add/remove
items. Do I need something else installed for it to show up?

Alvin Bruney [Microsoft MVP]

Did you install VS studio 05 by any chance? I am certain I used to have this
dll, but I can't find it either on this machine. I'll look around some more
to see what I can come up with and let you know.

Alvin Bruney
[Shameless Author Plug]
The Microsoft Office Web Components Black Book with .NET
available at www.lulu.com/owc, Amazon, B&H etc

Alvin Bruney [Microsoft MVP]

You should try posting this in the powerpoint newsgroup. I didn't have any
luck finding more info about it.

Alvin Bruney
[Shameless Author Plug]
The Microsoft Office Web Components Black Book with .NET
available at www.lulu.com/owc, Amazon, B&H etc

César Ribeiro (Brazil)

Paulers, try this:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\SDK\v1.1\Bin\tlbimp.exe
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\MSPPT.OLB
to create the powerpoint.dll, office.dll and vbide.dll files.

Best regards
César A. Ribeiro

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