Where do you begin creating a chart?



I would like to put a chart on a form (and later on, in a
report) but Access Help doesn't give a clue where to begin.

I simply want a bar chart showing how many records (the
count) in a table meet certain criteria. For example,
number of records with Status = "Open"
--or, more complicated--
number of records with Status = "Open" and 60 days
past their DueDate

Do you write a query first, then a report based on a
query, then insert a chart on the form based on the report
(which is based on the query? Or do you just write a
report and specify an expression (which is also based on
an underlying query?). Or should I write a query that puts
the values in another temporary table (like when Query
Wizard asks if you want to base your query on a table, a
query or both?)

As a VERY green user, I haven't even been unsuccessful
writing the expresion/query - much less putting results
into a chart ! -- so lots of help will be welcome!


A chart can be placed in a Form or Report. The data to
fill the chart can come from a table or query. I suggest
using a query, that way the data can be parshed by the
criteria you what. Base the query on the table contaning
the required data.

I would need additonal information on the table structure
to suggest a possible query.


I would like to put a chart on a form (and later on, in a
report) but Access Help doesn't give a clue where to begin.

I simply want a bar chart showing how many records (the
count) in a table meet certain criteria. For example,
number of records with Status = "Open"
--or, more complicated--
number of records with Status = "Open" and 60 days
past their DueDate

Do you write a query first, then a report based on a
query, then insert a chart on the form based on the report
(which is based on the query? Or do you just write a
report and specify an expression (which is also based on
an underlying query?). Or should I write a query that puts
the values in another temporary table (like when Query
Wizard asks if you want to base your query on a table, a
query or both?)

As a VERY green user, I haven't even been unsuccessful
writing the expresion/query - much less putting results
into a chart ! -- so lots of help will be welcome!
Base your report and the chart on a query.
Create your report, without making the chart.
THEN ...
Create a new form with the query as Form RecordSource.
Click Insert + Chart.
Make the chart as needed.
Then ....
In Design view, click on the chart object and copy it to the
Open the report in design view and paste it in the report section
Run the report. If all is well, save the report.
Delete the Form.

If you do it this way (design the chart in the form and paste it into
the report), the report will show the correct chart in design view.
Otherwise, in design view, the report will just show a generic
Microsoft Graph chart.
The chart can be edited in Report Design View if needed.

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