Where Does Outlook Store Emails???



Iswitched computers and want to still have access to all of my old emails
that were on the old computer. Cloning/ghosting/copying the old drive isn't
an option because I went from an HP P3 to a Micron P4 . How can I find the
old emails to copy them into the corresponding folder on the new computer?

neo [mvp outlook]

POP3/IMAP accounts use a *.PST file.

Microsoft Exchange account is generally kept on the server, but delivery
location can be set to a *.PST file.

Since you didn't mention what version of Outlook or operating system you are
using, best advice is search for them using Windows Explorer or a DOS


There will be a file, Outlook.pst, in C:\Documents and
Settings\USER\Application Data\Microsoft\Outlook

Mark D. VandenBerg

....And be sure to enable your system to view hidden files while searching...


I found the files (archive.pst, extend.dat,Outlook.log,Outlook.pst,
Outlook_01.bak, and OutlookHotmail.pst), but the system will not let me
copy/move the files to the new Outlook folder on my C drive. Everything on
my old computer was copied to a folder on my new computer, so it's not like I
am physically moving from old to new. Any suggestions?


More info: I had to change the security settings to allow me to copy the
Outlook.pst file which worked fine, but I still can't seem to copy the
archive.pst file.

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