WHERE does Word show the information about the reading level?


Mike Seiler

OK. I can read the help file that comes with Word XP. I can follow the 4
steps so that it will show the readablity statistics for a document.

Microsoft Word Help says "When Microsoft Word finishes checking spelling and
grammar, it displays information about the reading level of the document. "

My question is: WHERE does Microsoft Word show this information?
I do not see it any place on my screen after I press the spell check button.

The only thing that happens is that the every useless Clippy taps and tells
me that "The spelling check is complete"

Where, oh where, can those readablity stats be?


Hi Mike,

Go to Tools | Options | Spelling and Grammar and select Show Readability
Statistics and it will then pop up on your screen after spell check.

Mike Seiler

Thanks Carol,
OK, so I'm not crazy. That is exactly what I would expect as well. I do
not have a reason to believe that my copy of Word is corrupt. However, with
your encouragement, I tried the proceedure on another system. It worked as
expected on this other system. Do I need to reinstall Word, or is there some
other obscure setting that I need to change?

- Mike


Hi Mike,

Try this. Go to Tools | Options | Save

The select prompt to save normal dot.

Then follow the first instructions I gave you and shut Word down. It should
then prompt you to save the changes that were made to the normal dot.

Restart Word and see if it will give you readability statistics then. I
understand that this is a very simplistic approach but if it doesn't work
then we can more on to something else. Good luck!

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I believe that readability statistics are shown only when using the grammar
checker, not the spelling checker.

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