Where is Letter Wizard located in Microsoft Word, 2007?



In Microsoft Word, 2003 there was Letter Wizard to help you with letters. I
cannot find this same help in Microsoft Word, 2007. I do not like all the
templates and form letters.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Bob Buckland provided this answer on Wednesday:

Yes, the Wizards were dropped after Word 2003. The letter wizard does still
work in Word 2007 if you have it from a prior version,
but you'll need the Wizard and the templates for the letter styles in it
(Elegant, Contemporary and Professional) that it uses.
Basically the Wizard was dropped because the new features and letter style
in Word (Office Button=>New) are more up to date than
those from the letter Wizard.

Two of the older templates newsletter and agenda wizards are available from

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