Where is Letter Wizard located in Microsoft Word, 2007?



Where is the Letter Wizard feature in Microsoft Word 2007? This was very
handy in Word 98. Otherwise it skips a line when trying to type addresses at
the top of letters and skips lines when finishing the letter with the
signature and title lines.

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi D.,

Except in a Hong Kong/Chinese version Word 98 was a Mac version rather than a Windows version <g> but the Word wizards from previous
versions have been discontinued after Word 2003. You can use the older one from a prior version as long as you have the Letter.wiz
Wizard template file and these templates from an older version

contemporary letter.dot,
elegant letter.dot,
professional letter,dot,

Outlook 2007 uses its own clone of Word for email editing, but the 'signature' block feature for Word is still in Word. I'm not
clear on how the Wizard was what would make a difference in 'skipped' lines. Are you looking perhaps for the Mailmerge wizard
rather than the Letter Wizard (template)?

Where is the Letter Wizard feature in Microsoft Word 2007? This was very handy in Word 98. Otherwise it skips a line when trying
to type addresses at the top of letters and skips lines when finishing the letter with the signature and title lines.>>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

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