Where is my new workspace?



I created a new Project Workspace template from an existing Workspace. (Save
site as template)
I saved the file .stp
I registered the new template : stsadm -o addtemplate....
I changed the default template in the Project Workspace Provisioning
Settings page.
I created a new project in Project Pro 2007, saved it a published it with
the option Create a workspace for this project.
The new project workspace doesn't appear in any view...
If I try again, I get the message : "The workspace you are trying to
provision already exists".
So, where is it ?

Thanks for your help

Jonathan Sofer

I would start by checking the queue to see if the workspace create jobs
failed or not. I would also go under Server Settings>Project Workspaces to
see if the workspace appears there.

If there isn't one there and you attempt to create it and it errors stating
that the workspace already exists, try going directly to the workspace by
typing out the URL. It should be in this format most likely

BTW, when you created your stp from the workspace, did you make sure that it
was not linked to any project at the time? You must disassociate it from
the project before you save the template or else you will have issues
similar to this.

Jonathan Sofer


Finaly, I got the message:
The Web site does not exist or is not configured for Project Server. Enter a
Web site that has been extended with a Project Server compatible template.

What does that mean?

Jonathan Sofer

Probably that you need to make sure you workspace is not linked to a project
when you save the template.

When you created your stp from the workspace, did you make sure that it was
not linked to any project at the time? You must disassociate it from the
project before you save the template or else you will have issues similar to



Thanks a lot Jonathan,

Jonathan Sofer said:
I would start by checking the queue to see if the workspace create jobs
failed or not.
For this new project, the Job type : WSS Workspace Create is i the state
:Failed But Not Blocking Correlation

I would also go under Server Settings>Project Workspaces to
see if the workspace appears there.
Yes , it appears there but without any URL
If I add the URL and clic Test URL : everything is OK : I can see my
workspace as I expected .
But when I clic OK, I get the message:
"The Web site does not exist or is not configured for Project Server. Enter
a Web site that has been extended with a Project Server compatible
If there isn't one there and you attempt to create it and it errors
stating that the workspace already exists, try going directly to the
workspace by typing out the URL. It should be in this format most likely

BTW, when you created your stp from the workspace, did you make sure that
it was not linked to any project at the time? You must disassociate it
from the project before you save the template or else you will have issues
similar to this.
No, I did not that! How can we dissociate the workspace from the project?
NB : I did not check the Include content box.



<You must disassociate it from the project>
Where and how i'll do that ?

Thanks again

Jonathan Sofer

PWA>Server Settings>Project Workspaces

Highlight the project in question, click on "Edit Ste Address" and then
select "Remove the URL for the SharePoint site" and hit OK.

Don't forget to note down the URl for the site before you detach it in case
you forget the path.



Thanks a lot Jonathan,
At what time, I would say at what step in the sequence of tasks you sent me
previously, I have to select "Remove the URL for the SharePoint site" in the
"Edit Site Address" dialog?.
Thanks again


Thanks a lot Jonathan,
<At any time before you save the site as a template.>
I'll try again that way !



At last, that worked ! (... at 90%)
The new projects published after this operation get the new template with
its custom links, its site theme (colors, fonts...) but the new template did
not get the custom icon at the top left corner of the page, near the project
Does this icon is a part of the template ? (Title, Description, and Icon)
Thanks again

Jonathan Sofer

Did you save the site templase "with content" which is a checkbox available
during the save process?

If so and it still did not remember your change then you can change the icon
image at the server level.

If you have access to the server go to "C:\Program Files\Common
Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\IMAGES\" rename
"titlegraphic.gif" to something like "titlegraphic.gif.OLD" and then put
your image in this same folder with the original name of "titlegraphic.gif"

Sometimes it takes a bit before the image changes but it should work. Also,
you can clear your cache to see the change take place instantly.



I did all these operations... but without any success : the new project
workspaces display the standard icon, not mine ;-((
Any other idea?

Jonathan Sofer


I just tried it on my virtual PC and it worked just fine. On the Project
Server I went to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server
extensions\12\TEMPLATE\IMAGES" and renamed "titlegraphic.gif" to
"titlegraphic.gif.OLD" and then dropped in a different GIF image into that
folder and named it "titlegraphic.gif"

When I went to a Workspace and hit Refresh, the new image showed up on the
top left.



Great !
Jonathan, that was the hit Refresh [F5] that I was missing!
Now that works fine: the new image showed up on the top left.

Thanks a lot

Jonathan Sofer

Great, glad it worked for you!


Robert said:
Great !
Jonathan, that was the hit Refresh [F5] that I was missing!
Now that works fine: the new image showed up on the top left.

Thanks a lot

Jonathan Sofer said:

I just tried it on my virtual PC and it worked just fine. On the Project
Server I went to "C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web
server extensions\12\TEMPLATE\IMAGES" and renamed "titlegraphic.gif" to
"titlegraphic.gif.OLD" and then dropped in a different GIF image into
that folder and named it "titlegraphic.gif"

When I went to a Workspace and hit Refresh, the new image showed up on
the top left.


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