Where is OneNote 2007 Recycle Bin?



In OneNote 2003 there was a recycle bin and in any time i was able to check
and save accidentally deleted notes.
2007 version seems not having a recycle bin, and the only way to restore a
deleted item is by undo button.

Is there a way to check the recycle bin status in 2007 version (if onenote
2007 has one somewhere)?


There is no recycle bin. I had made this suggestion on MSCONNECT a few
months ago. You can log in and vote for that suggestion which will give it
more "weight" when the developers review feedback on OneNote 2007.

John Guin

Hello Skynet,

In OneNote 2007, you can try File | Open Backup to see a 2 day backup of
your notebooks. You can adjust the time of the backups and how many in Tools
| Options | Backup.

John Guin


I don't find this to be an acceptable alternative. It is just too easy to
inadvertantly lose a whole page.

You can lose a significant amount of things between a deletion and a backup.
Or have a page you created earlier today get deleted. The "delete" button
should send pages to a "trash bin" that can be emptied. When it is
something important that was deleted unintentionally (we've all been there),
it can be unnerving and you gravitate to known recovery approaches.

Deletion of a section requires additional OK boxes etc., and you can't just
highlight a section and press the "delete" key to delete it. I think that
this is fine for sections and I would not want it for pages. I delete a lot
more pages (especially blank ones) and wouldn't want the OK box all the time.
But there ought to be a backup for deleted (non-blank) pages to mitigate


John Guin

Great, honest feedback - thanks.


YouBetcha said:
I don't find this to be an acceptable alternative. It is just too easy to
inadvertantly lose a whole page.

You can lose a significant amount of things between a deletion and a backup.
Or have a page you created earlier today get deleted. The "delete" button
should send pages to a "trash bin" that can be emptied. When it is
something important that was deleted unintentionally (we've all been there),
it can be unnerving and you gravitate to known recovery approaches.

Deletion of a section requires additional OK boxes etc., and you can't just
highlight a section and press the "delete" key to delete it. I think that
this is fine for sections and I would not want it for pages. I delete a lot
more pages (especially blank ones) and wouldn't want the OK box all the time.
But there ought to be a backup for deleted (non-blank) pages to mitigate



John Guin said:
Great, honest feedback - thanks.


Thanks guys..
i totally agree YouBetcha. The trash i think is a feature any software must
have. In OneNote 2003 there was (like folders tree) and was very useful.
Can't understand why the new version doesn't have.
When good features come, they are always removed in the successive release.
I talk about OneNote 07, Vista, and many others softwares. To simplify user
life useful things are often taken away, and that's not good.

Thanks for the suggestions anyway...

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