Where is Outlook Hiding


Urbane Tiger

XP-Home SP3, Outlook 2007

Outlook disappears from the SysTray persistently. This is not due to
windows explorer crashing.

Is this a known defect.

"Progress always involves risk; you can't steal second base and keep your
foot on first." -- Frederick Wilcox


Brian Tillman

Urbane Tiger said:
XP-Home SP3, Outlook 2007

Outlook disappears from the SysTray persistently. This is not due to
windows explorer crashing.

Is this a known defect.

I've not heard of it. The only time Outlook disappears from the tray for me
is when I close it. Do you have any error messages displayed? Does
anything appear in the Event log?

Urbane Tiger

No messages, nothing in logs that I can see.

The process is running I can see it with ProcessExplorer, if a new mail
arrives the popup pops and the envelope is in the tray. I can click the new
mail icon in the tray read the mail, answer it if need be, and the envelope
goes away as it should.

If I start Outlook from Quick Menu then it starts immediately, I don't think
it allows multiple instances - that's fine by me, I only want one. When I
minimize I get nothing in the tray.

When this happens I just use the QuickLaunch, no loss of performance, its
just not where I expect it to be sometimes I kill it with ProcessExplorer
and restart from QuickLanch - voila its back in the tray. So its no big


Brian Tillman

Urbane Tiger said:
No messages, nothing in logs that I can see.

The process is running I can see it with ProcessExplorer, if a new
mail arrives the popup pops and the envelope is in the tray. I can
click the new mail icon in the tray read the mail, answer it if need
be, and the envelope goes away as it should.

If I start Outlook from Quick Menu then it starts immediately, I
don't think it allows multiple instances - that's fine by me, I only
want one. When I minimize I get nothing in the tray.

Well, I'm stumped. Have you customized the notifications in the system
tray? If so, does removing all customizations (i.e., always showing all
icons) change anything?

Urbane Tiger

No that's not it

But what I've noticed is that sometimes Outlook is running as a Service -
you can see that with Process Explorer, can't remember if it runs under a
service host or direct under services

I fixed it by installing Dave Levinson's Shutdown addon - apparently its a
common problem for Outlook to be execute out of sight.


"Man who says something cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it" --
Chinese Proverb


Brian Tillman

Urbane Tiger said:
But what I've noticed is that sometimes Outlook is running as a
Service - you can see that with Process Explorer, can't remember if
it runs under a service host or direct under services

Outlook never runs as a service, as far as I can tell. It's clearly not
listed in the Services console.
I fixed it by installing Dave Levinson's Shutdown addon - apparently
its a common problem for Outlook to be execute out of sight.

Still running after being closed is not the same as running as a service.
It usually means you have a misbehaving add-in that isn't allowing Outlook
to close properly.

Urbane Tiger

Before I added Shutdown the only addon was Outlook Connector, does it that

Next week, when I'll have more time, I'll uninstall the Shutdown addon and
try to induce the Outlook as a service behavior and document here.

"Progress always involves risk; you can't steal second base and keep your
foot on first." -- Frederick Wilcox


Brian Tillman [MVP - Outlook]

HTML Editor is : swriter
Newsgroups is : Windows Live Mail.
Internet Call is : Skype,
Calendar is : Microsoft Office Outlook
Contacts is : Microsoft Office Outlook

I think WLMail is a player in this game. I think I only get these
problems with Outlook if WLMail is running when I start or stop Outlook -
if it is not present then I don't think I get the problems.

Skype is known to cause this type of problem. I don't think WLMail is a
factor. I have Outlook 2007 and WLMail and they don't appear to interact
for me. Perhaps it is a problem for you, though. I've been playing with
WLMail only for a week.
Maybe if I used a "pure" newsgroup group client (i.e. one that is not also
a mail client) then these problems would go away. Problem is that "pure"
NNTP clients are geared towards binary NG's rather than text NG's, it is
the latter that I access using WLMail.

WLMail can handle both binary and text NGs on my PC. It just can't handle
yEnc (natively without a proxy).

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