Where is Redo List in Word 2007



I have 2 questions about the Redo icon in Word 2007. In 2003, next to the
Redo icon we had a list of previous actions. I don't see that anymore.
Also, how do you control how many actions can be Redone? It doesn't seem to
have many "redos" available.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Not the question, I think. The question is how to access the dropdown list
so that you can scroll down and select the last action to be undone instead
of just clicking the button repeatedly.


In Word 2007 you can add the Redo button to the Quick Access Toolbar by
clicking the right end of the bar & selecting it if it isn't already
checked. However...

The Redo button displays only if there are redoable actions available - IOW,
you can't Redo until you Undo something. The Redo Button will display once
you Undo one or more steps.

Likewise, you don't "set" the number of redoable actions. That's determined
by the number of consecutive steps you Undo - they then become redoable.
Once you Undo steps & start to take new actions the Redo list is cleared
until you Undo again.


By Golly, I think you're right! Since it was posted in the "New Users" forum
I automatically went a bit too fundamental, perhaps :)

In that case, the Redo List - along with numerous other familiar
conventions - has gone bye-bye. Apparently the button now serves a dual
function to Redo the last Undo(s) or Repeat the last action (Ctrl+Y) if
you've not Undone anything, but no longer presents a Redo List. the Undo
button, however, still works the same as in previous versions.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I would hope that the Redo list would be buried among the Commands Not in
the Ribbon that can be added to the QAT. If not, I shall be extremely
disappointed, as I often undo dozens of steps at a time.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

A regrettable oversight. In Word 2003, if I drag Undo to a toolbar, the
button includes the dropdown arrow. There's no such thing in Word 2007? In
the Interactive Command Reference, it appears that there is a dropdown
pointer beside it.

Looking at the subject line again, however, I see the question was about the
*Redo* list rather than Undo; the latter seems still to exist. Redo is a
somewhat different situation, I guess.

Terry Farrell

Be assured, it is there. Click the arrow at the end of the QAT, select More
Commands, change View to All Commands and scroll down. There are a couple of
Redo commands, select the one with the little arrow and add it to the QAT.
It works fine.



I just fired up 2007 here at home (running on XP in VPC7 - decently) and
sure enough there *is* a Redo button that provides the list effect.

I swear I couldn't locate it on the PC at work, but I intend to look again
when I go in later in the morning.

Thanks, Terry - I'm sure Suzanne will be quite relieved ;-)

Regards |:>)
Bob Jones
[MVP] Office:Mac

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Well, it was the Undo list I was panicked about losing, but I'm glad to hear
that both Undo list *and* Redo list are alive and well. I couldn't imagine
that their omission could have been anything but a disastrous oversight.


You guys are something else!! I found the redo list button from all
Thanks again


All credit goes to Terry - I flat out missed the d*mned thing... so what
else is new?:>)

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Suzanne,

The undo with list is the default one on the QAT in Word 2007. The 'redo' with list was considered to be confusing :). The default
one is named Redo in the customization dialog but on the QAT the tooltip is
'Repeat (Ctrl+Y)'
and in the tooltip it also lists what it would repeat. For example if you applied bold to text the tooltip changes to
'Repeat Bold (Ctrl+Y)

In the Customize 'All Commands list
Redo with list is named
while the 'Redo' that is on the QAT by default is named

Well, it was the Undo list I was panicked about losing, but I'm glad to hear
that both Undo list *and* Redo list are alive and well. I couldn't imagine
that their omission could have been anything but a disastrous oversight.

Suzanne S. Barnhill >>

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Thanks for the clarification, Bob. That all makes perfect sense.

Bob Buckland ?:-) said:
Hi Suzanne,

The undo with list is the default one on the QAT in Word 2007. The 'redo'
with list was considered to be confusing :). The default
one is named Redo in the customization dialog but on the QAT the tooltip is
'Repeat (Ctrl+Y)'
and in the tooltip it also lists what it would repeat. For example if you
applied bold to text the tooltip changes to

Beth Melton

Although IMHO the oversight is to add the Redo/Repeat combo to the QAT by
default instead of the Redo command with the list.

I suspect their SQM data showed users use Repeat (F4 or Ctrl +Y) and they
use Redo (which of course the single command under Edit changes accordingly)
so they added it the same command as used under the Edit menu and didn't
give a lot of thought to those who use the Redo List.

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Co-author of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

Klaus Linke

The next question would be whether SQM tracks whether the command was issued
from some control, or a keyboard shortcut.
If lots of users used F4 or Ctrl+Y or Alt+Return (... I know I do use F4 a
bit), that shouldn't have influenced the choice of what to put on the QAT,
since the keyboard shortcuts would have continued working (I suspect).


Suzanne S. Barnhill

My understanding is that CEIP just tracked the commands, not how they were
invoked (though I could be wrong about that). If this is the case, then the
data that Cut, Copy, and Paste were the most-used commands and should be
featured prominently would be defensible, despite the fact that informed
users were using keyboard shortcuts rather than the toolbar buttons.

Beth Melton

I'm trying to remember as well, I know I asked a LOT of questions about SQM
and never received an answer, such as the number of licensed users and the
number of those who opted in to CEIP. ;-)

I think you're right, Suzanne, that it only tracked the commands but not how
they were invoked. I now recall asking if they tracked commands used on
custom toolbars I don't think they did. (My line of reasoning was their data
was indeed correct - users rarely customize their toolbars. However, that's
because once they have the toolbars they want and need, they leave them
alone and even take the customizations with them from one version to the
next. Just because their data doesn't reflect daily customization it doesn't
mean users do not use them.)

I'm not sure if how they track the usage has been changed for Office 2007
but that's a good question to ask!

Please post all follow-up questions to the newsgroup. Requests for
assistance by email can not be acknowledged.

Beth Melton
Microsoft Office MVP

Co-author of Word 2007 Inside Out:

Word FAQ: http://mvps.org/word
TechTrax eZine: http://mousetrax.com/techtrax/
MVP FAQ site: http://mvps.org/

Suzanne S. Barnhill

I guess my reasoning was that the Macro Recorder works this way: it doesn't
care how a command is invoked, just what action needs to be performed. I
remember having a discussion about this and finding the response somewhat
unsatisfactory. We did point out to them that customization is a one-time
action that wouldn't show up as a large use. But if I had to go through
Tools | Letters and Mailings | Envelopes and Labels to get to the Labels
dialog (instead of clicking the Envelope button on the toolbar), I wouldn't
check on label numbers for users nearly as often as I do! Which is also the
same reason I put the Options dialog on my menu bar.

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