Hi there - I can't seem to locate the 'hidden' property for a table. I'd
like to be able to manipulate this from code. Anybody know how?
I was looking at this in response to another post recently. There are two
different ways to hide a table:
1) you can select it in the database window and open its properties window
and check "Hidden" -- it will be visible only if you select Tools | Options
| View | Hidden Objects.
2) you can use code to set the Attributes property of the appropriate
TableDef object:
db.TableDefs("Temp").Attributes = _
db.TableDefs("Temp").Attributes Xor dbHiddenObject
but in this case the table stays disappeared even when Hidden Objects are
turned on in Tools | Options.
To date, I have not found any crossover between the two methods, unlike in
Excel where there is xlVisible and xlVeryHidden, but also has xlHidden in
Tim F