Where is the Active/Inactive field for Resources in the published

  • Thread starter Shawn Everingham
  • Start date

Shawn Everingham

Our processes are still a little rough around the edges, so basic problem is,
resource leaves the company, and immediately thier NT account is deleted.

I then get notified of the resources departure and goto resource center and
attempt to set the active field to inactive. Saving gives me the warning NT
account doesn't exist and changes aren't saved.

I'm looking for a way to update this field in the database with a simple
update statement to get around this problem, yet cannot find the field in the
published database (if that is indeed where I need to change it, because I
changed it in the reporting database, yet that change is not reflected in
resource center in PWA).

Any help available? Point me in the right direction please! Thanks!

Piet Remen

Hi Shawn. I don't have my project server dev environment open to confirm but
off the top of my head, try converting the resource to forms authentication
and then make them inactive to get past the save issue.

I believe you can also set AD syncronisation to inactivate any users not
found in AD automatically. A checkbox setting somewhere under Server Settings.

I would strongly advise against an update query into the Project server
publish database as this may void your support agreement with microsoft.

As for the report database, this data is created primarily for reporting
purposes so making changes to the values won't matter as you have worked out.
Likely to be a resource table in the publish database but again making
changes to these databases may void your support MS agreement. Hopefully my
first suggestion will get you through. Cheers.

Shawn Everingham

Setting Prevent Active Directory synchronization for this user gave me the
same error:
The NT account specified is invalid. Check the spelling of the user name,
verify that a valid domain name was included, and check that a duplicate
domain was not used.

I left that checkbox 'set/checked' then checked the windows auth form, made
my change and successfully saved.

Thank you. I thought I had tried this before, guess not...and I am a
tester/reverse engineer...brain fart.

Have a great day! Shawn

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