AutoRecover saves files in the

ocuments:MIcrosoft User Data:Office 2008 AutoRecovery:
folder. These files are hidden, and their file names starts with "~ar"
You can see hidden files if you navigate to the
folder above in Finder, type CMD-F, and choose FIle Invisible from the
Kind dropdown - if that's not an option, choose Other..., and check the
File Invisible checkbox - and set it to Invisible.
Alternatively, you can enter this command in the
ls -al ~/Documents/Microsoft\ User\ Data/Office\ 2008\ AutoRecovery/~*
and hit Return.
Hope this helps
Version: 2008 Operating System: Mac OS X 10.6 (Snow Leopard) Processor: Intel
I closed a file without saving and need to go back in timemachine to get the
autosave file. Where is it and what is the suffix?
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