Where is the Object section?



I need to put a sub command into the object section for a formula to work.
However i am not understanding what or where the object or object section is.
Does anyone know where it is?

Mike H


Maybe it would be best to explain what your trying to do.


When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the


This is from an earlier question i asked but have not been able to get back
to it.
I need to insert this command into excel:

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub

However they said to insert it into the Microsoft Excel Object (section) in
the same sheet i have the calculations, instead of a module.

However, I don't understand what or where the Excel Object (section) is.

Mike H


That's worksheet event code. Right click the sheet tab that you want to call
this from, View code and paste that code in on the right. Now if you change
cell in that worksheet the workbook will calculate. I haven't seen your other
question and no doubt there's a good reason for calculating this often but it
could slow your worksheet down considerably if it has lots of formula.

When competing hypotheses are otherwise equal, adopt the hypothesis that
introduces the fewest assumptions while still sufficiently answering the


This works excelent. Thank you. I've looked at that tab in the visual basic
many times but it never clicked in my head. There are a lot of potential
calculations in the worksheet but only a few are needed now. So it may slow
it down in the future but as for now there is no delay.
Thanks again

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