Where is Word??



I recently purchased OneNote 2007 as I needed to open some Word documents I
had recieved. However I still cant open them after installing One Note and
rebooting my pc.
I cant find any trace of Word in my programs or on One Note.
Am I doing something wrong? as I was told OneNote has Word incldued in it.

Jonathan Boyko

Hello Colscotland,

I do not believe OneNote has Word included in it. Microsoft Word is a separate
software, it is included in Microsoft Office package, not with OneNote. If
it would be, during the installation you would be given the choice to install

Sorry, but I believe whoever told you this was wrong.

Rainald Taesler

Colscotland said:
I recently purchased OneNote 2007 as I needed to open some Word
documents I had recieved. However I still cant open them after
installing One Note and rebooting my pc.
I cant find any trace of Word in my programs or on One Note.
Am I doing something wrong? as I was told OneNote has Word incldued
in it.

Obviously you have been told something totally wrong.
Or you may have just mixed something.

OneNote (ON) does not contain Word. Naturally.
It's part of MS Office as Word is. It may be seen as a younger brother
of Word and Outlook and Excel and´Access in the Office family.
There are several different variations of the MS Office suite. Some
contain ON, some don't.

And NO, one cannot open any Word documents in/with ON as those have a
totally different format.

If it is just viewing Word documents (.doc and .docx files) you may
install the free "Word Viewer"
which can be used for *viewing* (not editing) Word docs.

You can use Copy +Paste for importing Word stuff from the viewer into
ON; This will produce editable text.
And you may *print* from the viewer to ON; this will produce an image in

And finally one can embed and/or link DOCs on ON. But this will only
make the file available for opening it in ON with the viewer (unless
Word is installed).

If you want to test Word, you may download a 90-days free trial (fully
functional) of Office
and then decide whether you want to buy it or not.


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