Sue Compelling
Following on from Sunil's query - I had a similar time lag on my query below
- which works but takes forever (only across 7,000 records though) and tried
to change the criteria from:
Not In (select ContactID from [qryvolsyrshelping2009])
Not Exists (select ContactID from [qryvolsyrshelping2009])
though it now doesn't work? Thoughts?
Following on from Sunil's query - I had a similar time lag on my query below
- which works but takes forever (only across 7,000 records though) and tried
to change the criteria from:
Not In (select ContactID from [qryvolsyrshelping2009])
Not Exists (select ContactID from [qryvolsyrshelping2009])
though it now doesn't work? Thoughts?