Where post messages re charts?



Is there a newsgroup devoted to charts? A "find" didn't uncover any
messages in this great "Getting Started" group. I skimmed all the hundreds
(thousands?) of microsoft.public newsgroups. Didn't find anything.

In the meantime...
1- Is it really the case that there is no way to edit the basic parts of
a chart (data, series, axis) once you have finished inserting the chart into
your form?
2 - Could someone tell me how to edit the title of the chart? I've done
it more than once, but now I've spent the last half hour right-mousing and
double clicking etc., etc., and just can't get at it again. What, exactly
are the keystrokes to get at it?
3 - Is there anyway to edit the font, etc., of the parts of the chart
other than the title?


You can post your questions here, as you have, or in
or in
or in
or in any other m.p.a. forum that is relevant to your question.

A lot of chart information can also be gleaned from any Excel
newsgroup, as it also uses the same MSGraph engine to generate graphs.

See my comments in-line below:


Please reply only to this newsgroup.
I do not reply to personal e-mail.

Laurel said:
Is there a newsgroup devoted to charts? A "find" didn't uncover any
messages in this great "Getting Started" group. I skimmed all the hundreds
(thousands?) of microsoft.public newsgroups. Didn't find anything.

In the meantime...
1- Is it really the case that there is no way to edit the basic parts of
a chart (data, series, axis) once you have finished inserting the chart into
your form?

All the parts of the chart can be edited.
In Report or Form design View, double-click on the chart to put it into
Then click on the individual part of the chart to edit that part.
2 - Could someone tell me how to edit the title of the chart? I've done
it more than once, but now I've spent the last half hour right-mousing and
double clicking etc., etc., and just can't get at it again. What, exactly
are the keystrokes to get at it?
What do you wish to edit in the Title?
The Font Size/Style?
Select the title and right-click to select Format Chart Title.

The Title text itself?
It depends on what you need.
In Chart Edit View, click on Chart + Chart Options
Click on the Titles tab and enter the new title.

If you want the title to be dynamic, i.e. "Sales for the Year 2003"
and have the year change according to the data
you can do that using code in the Report's Section format event or
in the Form's current event:

Me!OLEUnbound7.ChartTitle.Text = "Sales for the Year " & Forms!frmDate!Text0

where Text0 contains the year wanted.
The OLEUnbound control is the actual control that contains the chart.
Your actual code will vary according to your set up.
3 - Is there anyway to edit the font, etc., of the parts of the chart
other than the title?

To edit either axis, simply right-click on the axis and select Format Axis.
To edit the bars (in a bar chart) double-click on a bar in the series.
All in that series will be selected and the format box will open.
To change the background color, click in the empty portion of the chart.

Lloyd H. London

Try microsoft.public.excel.charting
If I a not mistaken, Access and Excel use the same charting routine: MS

Van T. Dinh

You can use either the GUI or VBA codes to modify the appearance of your
Charts / Titles / Axes after inserting the Chart in your Form. Since the
Chart is an OLE object, you can simply double-click the Chart to open it in
MS Graph. Alternatively, you can use VBA to modify the (child) objects in
the Chart. To know the objects in MS Graph, add the Microsoft Graph into
the References of you database and then use the ObjectBrowser to see the
Objects available in MS Graph.


Thanks for the tips about other newsgroups. Since you were kind enough to
go ahead and make some suggestions, let me elaborate about my problem. I
don't seem to be able to get to an edit mode like you describe (although I
once was able to click on the chart title and edit it.) What happens is

- I double clikc on the chart control, and the border becomes thicker....
like this /////////////// and a grid of chart data appears above it.
- When the chart is in this state, only the title is showing. If I hover
over it, the little tip field (the one that appears when you hover) says
"chart area" just as it does when I hover anywhere else on the chart.
- If I click or double click over the title, or anywhere else on the chart
area, I get a two tab window called "Format Chart Area". One tab says
"Patterns" and the other says "Font."
- If I right mouse, I get a menu containing 4 enabled options, "Format Chart
Area," "Chart Type," "Datasheet View," and "Clear." There are 2 disabled
options, "Chart Options," and "3-D View."

From this can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

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