wireless bill
Can someone tell me how to do this, or where I can learn? I need a way to
retrieve data from SQL Server into Access, using an existing stored procedure
that accepts two parameters (for a date range) that are specified on an
Access form.
This is what I have:
-- An Access 2000 database, used as a front-end GUI.
-- A SQL Server 2000 database, to hold the data and the stored procedures.
-- My PC has an ODBC connection to the SQL Server database.
This is what I need to do:
-- User selects a time period from a combo box on the Access form.
-- User clicks a button on this form to "run the import process."
-- In VBA, the click event connects to SQL Server, executes the SQL Server's
stored procedure using the parameters from the Access form, and creates a new
table of the result set.
-- The stored procedure is long and complex, and it's maintained by another
work group, so I just want to refer to it. The final section goes like this:
#EventInfo.Type as Type,
etc..... several columns
FROM #TempTable
I've tried a pass-through query and sample code using ADO and DAO, and
nothing seems to work. Is it possible to do this? Any help you can lend
would be much appreciated! (I'm not sure which discussion group I should
post this to.)
retrieve data from SQL Server into Access, using an existing stored procedure
that accepts two parameters (for a date range) that are specified on an
Access form.
This is what I have:
-- An Access 2000 database, used as a front-end GUI.
-- A SQL Server 2000 database, to hold the data and the stored procedures.
-- My PC has an ODBC connection to the SQL Server database.
This is what I need to do:
-- User selects a time period from a combo box on the Access form.
-- User clicks a button on this form to "run the import process."
-- In VBA, the click event connects to SQL Server, executes the SQL Server's
stored procedure using the parameters from the Access form, and creates a new
table of the result set.
-- The stored procedure is long and complex, and it's maintained by another
work group, so I just want to refer to it. The final section goes like this:
#EventInfo.Type as Type,
etc..... several columns
FROM #TempTable
I've tried a pass-through query and sample code using ADO and DAO, and
nothing seems to work. Is it possible to do this? Any help you can lend
would be much appreciated! (I'm not sure which discussion group I should
post this to.)