where to place the damned OST-file?


Martin Gudel

Hello world,

I just have a problem with placing the Offline folder file with Outlook
2003 , while working online is no good choice in our 2600 user
environment and our data centre provider requires use of the cached
mode (I think it's a great idea).

The environment at the customers network in short details
- roaming users with stationary workplace computers
- roaming users with notebook computers, sometimes working offline
or/and on foreign networks
- some of the branch offices where raoming users go to have bad
up/downstreams (about 128kbit)
- some of these users have mailboxes about 1GB - 1,5 GB
- since we use DFS only very big headquarters have their own file
servers (about 10 from 200 locations)
- working online really is no choice since network connections cannot
be guaranteed 100% available

But I got a lot of roaming users since already required is a free
seating environment where my users often change the workplace computer
depending the department they work at.

Now I got the problem that in an environment with over 350 users a
2MBit connection is not sufficient if you have Outlook using an offline
folder file and other applications. Every time, after a user changed
his workplace computer, when Outlook is started it download the full

Any Idea for an optimized setting of Outlooks OST files?

Thank you for your ideas.

Martin Gudel

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