where's the database window



I've used Access for 15 years in fits and spurts, programming for a few
months on personal projects then going many months without new designs. I'm
used to working within the Db window.

After very recently upgrading(?) to 2007, I've yet to be able to view the db
window (objects overview). Is it still available? How do I see it? I'm
confused. The new toolbars are alien and I don't appreciate new learning
curves without definate advantages. Enumerate some advantages please.


First of all, just ignore Aaron. He usually posts that same reply no matter
what the question is.

The database window you're used to seeing in previous versions has been
replaced by the Navigation Pane in A2007. As to the other part of your
post about what's new/different in A2007, I would refer you to Jeff Conrad's
website at this link;



Did you enjoy the prison food Aaron? Looking forward to more?

it's gone.

Jet's been dead for a decade. Move to SQL Server, kid


There is no db window in A2007. The closest you can come to it is as

In the navigation pane on the left hand side, click the down arrow in the
heading to drop-down the list of layouts. Choose "Object Type". In my
opinion this should be the default, I can't stand the "Tables and Related
Views" layout that it gives you by default.

I don't know about enumerating advantages, I think you'd have to ask
Microsoft why they did it. For most I think it's more of a gut-feel thing.
I hated the A2007 user interface when I first saw it, but now I've got used
to it I quite like it. Others I guess will always hate it.

Allen Browne

In Access 2007, the familiar database window has been replaced with the
Navigation Pane.

Do try to get used to the NavPane. Be sure to show the Search box, which is
invaluable for finding an object with a particular name if you have lots of
objects in the Nav Pane.

If you can't adjust, Avenius Gunter has a simulated db window you can

For other suggestions on adapting to the quite-different A2007, see:

a a r o n . k e m p f

go play with your baby-sized databases

I can provide Light, Cheap _AND_ Strong bicycles..

File, New, Project (existing data)

Please Learn to Read

The original question was not "In your opinion, what server database should I
use?" It was regarding the location or existence of the database window in
Access 2007.

You have that name trademarked, do you? Unless you do, that name may
identify you but you have no legal rights to prevent anyone else from using
it, and then, that would be only in the business context that your trademark

There may be many Aaron Kempfs in the world. We can only hope that the
others are able to read better than you are.

a a r o n . k e m p f

yah whatever kid.

stop stalking me, asshole

If you have problems with Access-- most of them could be solved by
moving to SQL Server.
If they took away your precious database window-- then start using
'SQL Server Management Studio' which is obviously superior in every
fashion of the word

a a r o n . k e m p f


'repetitive unwanted communication'.

I would like to stop be stalked on this newsgroups, I demand the same
decency I give.




Why don't you try:

1. Giving people answers to what they ask instead of giving the same idiot
response no matter what the question


2. Being polite.

If you could achieve the above, then people will be nice to you.
Alternatively, if these suggestions are too hard for you, you could just go


'repetitive unwanted communication'.

I would like to stop be stalked on this newsgroups, I demand the same
decency I give.



a a r o n . k e m p f


why don't you try using SQL Server?

Instead of brainwashing people into 'yay for jet' why don't you know
the INs and OUTs of SQL Server and be able to reccomend-- where
appropriate-- an appropriate sized database?

I returned to these newsgroups, because I saw a decided -anti-SQL
Server mentality-- maybe it's because a couple of MVPs don't have the
balls to convert their employers to SQL Server.

SQL Server rules JET, it slaughters Oracle in performance, ease of use
and administration.
The JET dipshits around here- _LIE_ to scare people _AWAY_ from SQL

SQL Server is _ZERO_ more complicated than JET.

Things just work.

When the majority of the people around here-- stop giving FALSE
information about SQL Server-- then maybe I won't be needed in this

Until then- I will fight against JET at every corner, because I've got
100 people that are spreading BLATANT lies about SQL Server.
I worked with JET for 3-4 years before graduating to ADP.

It makes me sick to think of the dozens of underpaid JET DEVELOPERS
that I've encountered over the years.
It kinda reminds me of when I see homeless people on the side of the
road-- begging for help.

The homeless people-- and the Jet people-- need to DRASTICALLY change
their thinking in order to get out of their rut.
Getting stuck making $12/hour-- because JET developers user jet-- is
_JUST_ about the most offensive thing I've ever seen in my life.

Because I know that they work hard-- they try hard.
They just need to be pushed into SQL Server.


a a r o n . k e m p f

and by the way; you can't BULLY away people that think differently.

Sorry-- but the constitution guarantees the right to free speech


You see? You just can't help behaving like a jerk, so you can't really
complain when people treat you like a jerk.


why don't you try using SQL Server?

Instead of brainwashing people into 'yay for jet' why don't you know
the INs and OUTs of SQL Server and be able to reccomend-- where
appropriate-- an appropriate sized database?

I returned to these newsgroups, because I saw a decided -anti-SQL
Server mentality-- maybe it's because a couple of MVPs don't have the
balls to convert their employers to SQL Server.

SQL Server rules JET, it slaughters Oracle in performance, ease of use
and administration.
The JET dipshits around here- _LIE_ to scare people _AWAY_ from SQL

SQL Server is _ZERO_ more complicated than JET.

Things just work.

When the majority of the people around here-- stop giving FALSE
information about SQL Server-- then maybe I won't be needed in this

Until then- I will fight against JET at every corner, because I've got
100 people that are spreading BLATANT lies about SQL Server.
I worked with JET for 3-4 years before graduating to ADP.

It makes me sick to think of the dozens of underpaid JET DEVELOPERS
that I've encountered over the years.
It kinda reminds me of when I see homeless people on the side of the
road-- begging for help.

The homeless people-- and the Jet people-- need to DRASTICALLY change
their thinking in order to get out of their rut.
Getting stuck making $12/hour-- because JET developers user jet-- is
_JUST_ about the most offensive thing I've ever seen in my life.

Because I know that they work hard-- they try hard.
They just need to be pushed into SQL Server.



If you are so anti-bullying, how come you were prosecuted and found guilty
in a court of law for doing exactly that?

Where was your concern for "the right to free speech" when you threatened to
burn someone's house down?

Incidentally, that's a rhetorical question (look it up), I already know the
answer: you believe in free speech so long as everyone agrees with you.

BTW, there's no point in lecturing me about "the constitution", I am a
citizen of a nation which doesn't even *have* a constitution, and yet still
manages to have more respect for human rights than does the present
govenment of the USA.

Enjoy your "freedom" while it lasts, I'm sure it will not be long before you
are behind bars again.

and by the way; you can't BULLY away people that think differently.

Sorry-- but the constitution guarantees the right to free speech

a a r o n . k e m p f

because I insist on the same protection as the OBSOLETE PUSSY that
called the cops on me for swearing on the internet.


Jerry Whittle

Which version of Access? A07 doesn't have the good old database window
anymore. It has the "Navigation Pane".

However by pressing the F11 key the Navigation Pane or Database Window
should appear unless (1) someone has blocked it in the startup options or (2)
it has gone 'off-screen' where you can't see the database window. In the case
of (2), go up to Window, Cascade and it should reappear.

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