which account to respond from



I have four accounts set up in OL. One is an exchange server, which is
listed first in my list (therefore, as I understand it, making new messages
generate from there...at least that's the way I am figuring OL knows to put
things from there). The others, listed in order (let's call it 2, 3, 4, for
simplicity, rather than the names), are all POP3 accounts. 3 and 4 are the
same POP3 settings as 2, but with different names and different return-to
addresses. In other words, the messages for 3 and 4 don't actually get
collected in OL, as I don't have the forwarding service for them paid for
(they go to Yahoo addresses). So while I get the messages in Yahoo, I
sometimes want the convenience of sending them from OL, so I made them
accounts, and the sending server is the same as 2, which allows them to go
out, and then responses go to Yahoo. Question is slightly unrelated, but
that's the context, in case it's important. I get messages delivered to 2,
which are collected in my send/receive of OL, but when I respond, the message
will default to using the 4 account name. There is the dropdown where I can
select from which account any msg leaves, so I can change it. But I don't
see a rhyme or reason for why it would want to pick the 4th one, when that's
not the account it comes in through, as well as being the last listed
account. Is there a setting of some sort to control what address is
defaulted to for resposnes? Again, new msgs are generating correctly, but
when the only other messages that come in do come in (and they are all for
address 2), I want it to respond from address 2 settings, not 3 or 4. 3 and
4 are there only for me to create new messages and select those addresses to
send from, unless I respond and for some reason want to select 3 or 4 to have
the response to my response sent to.

Hope that makes sense.

Diane Poremsky [MVP]

outlook replies on the account the message arrived on - so it sounds like
the #4 account is collecting mail. Configure Outlook so either the account
doesn't collect email or give it a fake POP3 server name (such as "mail").

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