Which books?


John S

Hi All

The little gem below had been foxing me for ages. These sort of minor issues
can waste hours and whilst there is no replacement for these forums I'd love
to get hold of a book that is crammed with such examples and tips.

The problem is always pulling disparate bits of knowledge together into a
solution. I remember years ago wanting to concatenate, but I didn't have a
clue that that's what it was called! Try searching for something like that!

I bought all the basic stuff like Wrox beginning VBA years ago and now have
advanced stuff but nothing seems to fill in the knowledge gaps....any
pointers much appreciated.

Original post at.....

21 Jan 2004 15:11:04 -0600, Dan Stenzel

You can take advantage of the subtle difference between the two
concatenation operators + and &. & treats a NULL as a zero length
string; + "propagates nulls" returning NULL if either argument is

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