Which Cell am I in in my Table?



I want to change the background color of a cell in my Table, based on what
the user enters in it.

To do this, I need to determine which cell the user exited.

How can I determine this?


Harold Kless[MSFT}

Hi Android,
Please provide a more specific example of what you're trying to do.
How many users will be using the table?
What kind of information will be entered and is there a limited number of
Anything else you can think of that can be helpful will be appreciated.
Harold Kless, MCSD
Support Professional
Microsoft Technical Support for Business Applications
(e-mail address removed)


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Hi Harold,

I am providing a Weekly Project Status template on our network drive. The
user creates his report using it -- so, although many people will access the
template (dozen or so), only one person will work on his/her copy of the
document (status report).

One of the items people enter is certain project status parameters as G, Y,
or R in a FormFields I provide in the template. The FormFields are in
separate table cells. When the person enters a "Y" for example in the "Cost"
status FormField I want that cell to turn "Yellow" as soon he exits that
cell. If he goes back and changes it to R, it should turn "Red" when he
exits that cell again. I'm also using the results from a number of
parameters to change the color of an "Overall Status" cell.

Since the user may go to any cell at random, I want to create a Procedure
that is run on exit from the cell. It will determine the cell address and
change its background color based on whether the user entered G, Y, or R.
For now I'll ignore any entries other that G,Y,R -- may tighten this later.

I hope this explains what I'm trying to do.



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