Since you don't have the initiative to test various free e-mail servers or
even look for them. it is unlikely that you don't have the expertise to
install and manage an e-mail server. Stick to using an e-mail service
provider who does have the expertise and resources to operate and manage an
e-mail server.
If what you really meant to ask is which free e-mail provider is best for
business use that would be none of them. They are free which means you
don't get support, bandwidth, reliable service, and no announcements or even
a status check of outages or downed servers. If you really meant "business"
and not some tinkering hobby, you need to look at business-class e-mail
providers. Those aren't free. If your business is just a tinkering or
starting hobby then any free e-mail provider will do. Just go Google on
"+free +email" and you'll find lots of them. Then read their FAQs to
determine if they have the e-mail access protocol you want to use (POP
versus IMAP), the disk quota you want, and have any anti-abuse or anti-spam
quotas which you "business" might violate in sending out spam, er, bulk
e-mails. Also make sure you read their Terms Of Service to ensure that you
do not violate their terms for them providing you with a free service.
--- Posting Hints ---
ALWAYS REVIEW your message before submitting it. You want someone OTHER
than yourself to understand your post. Often you get just one chance per
potential respondent to elicit a reply from them. If they skip your post
because you gave them nothing to go on (no details, no versions, no OS, no
context) then they will usually move on to the next post and never return to
What is Usenet:
When using a webnews-for-dummies interface (e.g., Microsoft's Communities,
Google Groups, or a leech site using a forum-to-Usenet proxy), those are
gateways to Usenet. Despite the pretense of a forum, you are participating
in a newsgroup (aka Usenet).
How to post to newsgroups: