Which Folders and Files Are Necessary to Get Image Map to Work



I am creating web pages in FrontPage 2000, which I am then
uploading to a server using a proprietary web page
authoring system. This seems to work for simple web
pages, but I have run into a situation where I could sure
use some help.

I created "hot spots" and associated hyperlinks on an
image. Everything works fine in FrontPage and also when I
publish the web to my desktop.

I run into difficulty when I upload the page to the web

Looking at the HTML code it's clear that creating an image
map with associated hyperlink generates code which, to
work properly, needs some folders and files on the server.

The question I have is which folders and files.

Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions will be very helpful.

Stefan B Rusynko

No extra folder or files are required for image maps
- other than any you may link to

Check the File names (no spaces/punctuation) and CaSe of your links
- or post a URL of the published page/site to look at

| I am creating web pages in FrontPage 2000, which I am then
| uploading to a server using a proprietary web page
| authoring system. This seems to work for simple web
| pages, but I have run into a situation where I could sure
| use some help.
| I created "hot spots" and associated hyperlinks on an
| image. Everything works fine in FrontPage and also when I
| publish the web to my desktop.
| I run into difficulty when I upload the page to the web
| server.
| Looking at the HTML code it's clear that creating an image
| map with associated hyperlink generates code which, to
| work properly, needs some folders and files on the server.
| The question I have is which folders and files.
| Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions will be very helpful.


It requires the page, the image, and the pages or files the hotspots link
The paths to these files must be the same on the server as on your local
If the image is in the images folder, then the images folder needs to be on
the server, and so on.

If you publish with FrontPage (if your host allows this) all the necessary
files, folders will be uploaded correctly.


Here is the HTML code FrontPage 2000 has generated for the
image maps I've created. I also put some dollar figures
on the image, using the text tool in the picture toolbar.
<p align="center"><map name="FPMap0">
<area href="copper2.htm" shape="rect" coords="14, 163,
413, 181">
<area href="copper3.htm" shape="rect" coords="14, 183,
417, 201"></map><!--webbot
text=" (15,204) (423, 235) {HB2 - $31.00 HB1 - $46.20}
{Arial} 12 B #000000 CT 0 "
text=" (512,677) (582, 703) {} {Arial} 12 B #000000 CT 0 "
text=" (512,677) (582, 703) {} {Arial} 12 B #000000 CT 0 "
rectangle=" (14,163) (413,181) copper2.htm"
rectangle=" (14,183) (417,201) copper3.htm" border="0"
u-originalsrc="copper1.gif" u-
usemap="#FPMap0" width="1095" height="1380" --></p>

Now, notice several things:

1) a "bot" called "ImageMap" is used to handle the Image
Maps I drew with the picture tool bar in FrontPage 2000.

2) the text tool caused an "overlay" to be created, with
the src = _overlay/copper1.htm_txt_copper1.gif

Now, this page works fine when I publish the web to my
desktop. But the issue is to get this page to work on a
server that is not FrontPage oriented, as it did not when
I just uploaded the page.

It seems to me I may be able to get this to work if I
upload, say, the _overlay directory and its contents.

But I don't know FrontPage 2000 well enough in a non
FrontPage environment to know if this will work.

I suppose I should just use mspaint.exe to put the text on
the image, and find some non bot oriented way to do the
image map(s).

I'm at home in FrontPage 2000, though. Is there a way to
get the imagemap "bot" to work in a non FrontPage
environment, or is it necessary to use some other imagemap

Any help appreciated.


The easiest way is to publish your local site with FrontPage, and not use
third party upload clients. If you publish, all the necessary folders and
files will be uploaded automatically.
You can publish to non-extended websites provided you have FTP access to

In this map, which is more complex than the norm., the _overlay folder will
also have to be uploaded. (The average image map has any captions as part
of the image.)

Stefan B Rusynko

The image map is not a bot
- just a html tag
But your text overlay is, so you need to upload the _hidden folder named _overlay/

| Here is the HTML code FrontPage 2000 has generated for the
| image maps I've created. I also put some dollar figures
| on the image, using the text tool in the picture toolbar.
| ---------------------------------------------------
| <p align="center"><map name="FPMap0">
| <area href="copper2.htm" shape="rect" coords="14, 163,
| 413, 181">
| <area href="copper3.htm" shape="rect" coords="14, 183,
| 417, 201"></map><!--webbot
| bot="ImageMap"
| text=" (15,204) (423, 235) {HB2 - $31.00 HB1 - $46.20}
| {Arial} 12 B #000000 CT 0 "
| text=" (512,677) (582, 703) {} {Arial} 12 B #000000 CT 0 "
| text=" (512,677) (582, 703) {} {Arial} 12 B #000000 CT 0 "
| rectangle=" (14,163) (413,181) copper2.htm"
| rectangle=" (14,183) (417,201) copper3.htm" border="0"
| src="copper1.gif"
| u-originalsrc="copper1.gif" u-
| overlaysrc="_overlay/copper1.htm_txt_copper1.gif"
| usemap="#FPMap0" width="1095" height="1380" --></p>
| --------------------------------------------------------
| Now, notice several things:
| 1) a "bot" called "ImageMap" is used to handle the Image
| Maps I drew with the picture tool bar in FrontPage 2000.
| 2) the text tool caused an "overlay" to be created, with
| the src = _overlay/copper1.htm_txt_copper1.gif
| Now, this page works fine when I publish the web to my
| desktop. But the issue is to get this page to work on a
| server that is not FrontPage oriented, as it did not when
| I just uploaded the page.
| It seems to me I may be able to get this to work if I
| upload, say, the _overlay directory and its contents.
| But I don't know FrontPage 2000 well enough in a non
| FrontPage environment to know if this will work.
| I suppose I should just use mspaint.exe to put the text on
| the image, and find some non bot oriented way to do the
| image map(s).
| I'm at home in FrontPage 2000, though. Is there a way to
| get the imagemap "bot" to work in a non FrontPage
| environment, or is it necessary to use some other imagemap
| tool?
| Any help appreciated.
| >-----Original Message-----
| >No extra folder or files are required for image maps
| >- other than any you may link to
| >
| >Check the File names (no spaces/punctuation) and CaSe of
| your links
| >- or post a URL of the published page/site to look at
| >
| >--
| >
| >_____________________________________________
| >SBR @ ENJOY (-: [ Microsoft MVP - FrontPage ]
| >"Warning - Using the F1 Key will not break anything!" (-;
| >To find the best Newsgroup for FrontPage support see:
| > http://www.net-sites.com/sitebuilder/newsgroups.asp
| >_____________________________________________
| >
| >
| | >| I am creating web pages in FrontPage 2000, which I am
| then
| >| uploading to a server using a proprietary web page
| >| authoring system. This seems to work for simple web
| >| pages, but I have run into a situation where I could
| sure
| >| use some help.
| >|
| >| I created "hot spots" and associated hyperlinks on an
| >| image. Everything works fine in FrontPage and also
| when I
| >| publish the web to my desktop.
| >|
| >| I run into difficulty when I upload the page to the web
| >| server.
| >|
| >| Looking at the HTML code it's clear that creating an
| image
| >| map with associated hyperlink generates code which, to
| >| work properly, needs some folders and files on the
| server.
| >|
| >| The question I have is which folders and files.
| >|
| >| Any thoughts/ideas/suggestions will be very helpful.
| >
| >
| >.
| >

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